Season 1, Part 3

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A few days later, with just some simple training and cleaning by Captain Levi's orders, and doing my part of the paperwork assigned to the Captain and I, we got up early for the trial. The commander, Captain, and I were one of the last to come in. I watched the doorway, waiting for Mikasa and Armin.

"Oi, what are you doing watching the door so intensely?" Levi asked me, looking up at me and placing his hand on my shoulder. "I'm waiting for Cadets Mikasa and Armin to come in, sir. They're my other childhood friends, and I just want to see them after all these years."

He took his hand off my shoulder and looked away. "Reasonable enough."

Soon after, I saw the two of them walk in. Brazen in cadet uniforms, the two certainly had grown much taller. Armin looked exactly the same, and was around my height now- while Mikasa had cut her hair short and was now taller than me. She had grown into such a gorgeous young woman, and she still wore the red scarf gifted to her by Eren around her neck.

I let out a big smile, turning to Levi and Erwin. "Commander, Captain, may I go speak to the two cadets that just walked in before the trial begins?"

"Those two are Mikasa and Armin you mentioned, are they?" The commander looked over at the two for a moment. "Very well. The trial will begin in around 5 minutes, so hurry along." I smiled even wider, saluting the two before running off, weaving between the crowd.

"Mikasa! Armin!" I shouted, waving my hand at them as I pushed through the crowd of merchants and soldiers. "Oops- sorry sir- apologies officer!"

"Huh? Who's calling us?" I heard Armin ask Mikasa. "That voice... it sounds familiar.." muttered Mikasa. Then they both realized.

"It can't be-"

"It's me!" I bear hugged them, tears welling up in my eyes.

"No way- Valeri!? You're alive? More or less- you're in the Survey Corps? What are you doing here?" asked Armin, pulling away in surprise.

"I thought you were both dead for the past five years! But I found out that you guys and Eren were alive a few days ago, it's amazing! Look at me- I'm a lieutenant now, a war hardened veteran, believe it or not! I made it onto Levi squad!" I whooped.

They both erupted huge smiles. "That's amazing! Valeri- it's hard to believe you're here in the first place! Well, I could actually see you as a soldier as you had all the aspects of one back when we were little- guess you're taking after your parents, huh?" Armin asked.

"I guess so- I only joined to avenge you guys though. Is Hannes alive? And Mrs. Yeager?"

The smiles were quickly wiped off their faces. "Hannes is fine, but, for Mrs. Yeager..." Mikasa mumbled. The smile wore off my face as well.

"Oh... Well, that's to be expected, huh.. I heard from Eren that Dr. Yeager has been missing as well. Otherwise- both of you have gotten so big and tall! Armin, you're my height now- and Mikasa, you've become such a gorgeous young lady, I assume you've graduated at the top of your class as well?" I grinned mischievously, tapping her shoulder.

"Yes, I have. Armin and I plan to join the Survey Corps along with Eren- that is if the Survey Corps win custody over him..." Mikasa told me. A frown appeared on my face. "I'm aware. If he's here I suspected you two would be as well. Anyway, I look forward to seeing you in the Scouts! You two are gonna be great attributes, we need people like you two!" I smiled, hugging Mikasa, who was now taller than me.

"Oi, Valeri." I heard Levi's voice behind me. "Stop hugging that gloomy looking brat and get back over here. Erwin told me to tell you the trial's about to begin."

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