Season 2, Part 2

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~Back at Wall Rose~
We've been riding for a while now. We've stopped at several villages and houses along the way, telling people the news and that they had to evacuate. Now we were heading towards Connie's village, where the Titans came from.

Once we arrived there, it was a terrible sight to see. "Holy, what the hell happened here? A Titan attack?" I asked.

"Elites, scout out the area! Cadets, search the houses! Be careful, there may be some Titans lurking around!" I ordered. Then, I quickly went and scouted out the area myself, piecing my findings and others' together.

"Alright guys, here's what I think what happened. The people of Raggako weren't attacked at all, but then why would Titans smash up empty houses? They probably didn't escape too however, because the horses are still in the stables. There's no traces of blood or carnage as well, so what in the world happened?" I asked everyone, whom I rounded up.

"There's a Titan on top of Connie's house too, but it can't move at all from it's limbs, How did it get there?" Reiner added.

"I don't know, but good observation Cadet Reiner. This village is the last in the Southern area that's also closest to the wall, so let's move out and search along the wall for the breach, kay?" I ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone chanted, before running off to get on their horse. I noticed Connie was looking down, which was to be expected. His whole village was destroyed and the people were all gone.

"Hey, Connie." I approached him. "Y-Yes ma'am?" I heard his voice crack with sadness.

I placed my hand on his shoulder, smiling. "I know this is a lot to handle. I've felt the same way once, losing everything I've loved. My home, my people. I just want you to know it's alright. They might still be alive- we haven't found any bodies or carnage." I comforted him. 

He started crying, and then saluted me. "Th-Thank you for reassuring me ma'am!"

I smiled softly, shaking my head. "I know we're working right now, Connie, but you can always call me Val. I always want to make sure people are okay. Let's get going now, alright?" I quickly gave him a pat on the shoulder, before going off to unhitch my horse.

We kept searching along the wall for hours, until it was pitch black at night. I could tell everyone was terrified, fearful that Titans will jump out and devour us.

For some reason, I was the only one not scared at all. Sure there was the possibility of Titans lunging at us, but I just wasn't frightened. 

"Hey guys, Hange told me Titans can't move in the dark because they photosynthesize, just so you know-." I broke the silence, trying to calm everyone.

"Photosynthesize? What does that mean?" Connie asked. "It means Titans get their energy from the sun. Hange discovered that from her experiments. It's been dark for a while now, so I'm pretty sure all the Titans are asleep." I assumed.

I could tell from the atmosphere everyone calmed down a bit after hearing me say that, but they were still on guard, which they should be obviously.

We heard something moving in front of us, and we stopped dead in our tracks. It turned out to be Nanaba, Krista, and Ymir. 

"So, you guys followed along the walls too?" Gelgar asked.

"That's right. I've assumed you located the breach then. There haven't been any irregularities in the west. Surely you must've seen something in the East?" She asked nervously.

"No," I shook my head. "Wall's perfectly intact." I said. We all sat there in silence, confused.

"Well, maybe we just overlooked it?" Lynne suggested. "Not likely. Hole big enough for Titans to get through? No way." Henning denied.

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