One Year Later

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The story is as it goes. Historia was given the letter from Ymir when she visited us in Trost. We gave our findings from the mission. We attended a mass funeral for the dead, again, with the greatest losses we've ever had. Sasha slowly but surely got better. We got our medals at the ceremony. Poor Hitch was there... I kinda liked the idea of her and Marlo being together, but Marlo's...

...Anyway, now we know our true enemies. A tiny island with a population of 3 mil versus the world, who want us all "island devils" dead.

Also, there are Titans in the walls. The Founding Titan has the power to release them to flatten the Earth, if we were ever threatened, called the "Rumbling" or "Earth Shaking."

When I had the spare time, not ever having to deal with work, I've tried comforting Eren. The poor boy looks so depressed and defeated. Nothing has worked so far to help him. I fear he may never be his old self again.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided the civilians know the truth. It was a mix of emotions. Some accept it, some are angry about it, and some laugh it off.

Basically, just work. Work and building back up for the next time our enemies return. Hah... I don't know what to do..

~One Year Later~
The sound of Titans being crushed by the giant sledge of Trost went silent around wintertime. By springtime, the military announced that Wall Maria was clear of Titans. The roads started being paved, and eventually the refugees of Wall Maria we're allowed to return home, after a year roughly of the battle of Trost.

After 6 years since the Colossal Titan first attacked, we, the Scouts, continued expeditions. It was the first time we stepped in Wall Maria land for expeditions in six years. We were finally achieving Armin's dream... Going to the ocean.

Eventually, around sunset, we heard the cry of birds we've never heard before. The whole time we haven't seen any Titans, so we could get there faster. Actually, nearing the ocean we found a Titan with such small limbs, it kept trying to drag itself towards the wall.

Eren could tell who the Titan used to be by just touching it's forehead. "He used to be a fellow Patriot." He muttered to himself, before we headed off again.

We soon came upon a great place filled with sand, and encountered a wall. "I'm sure of it. This is the place where Eldians were turned into Titans." Eren told us. We climbed up a hill at the side of the wall to see a bright light....

For all the naked eye could see, was the most beautiful blue water that stretched far past the horizon. It was so.... Beautiful, astonishing. It made me sad, yet also amazed. I wanted to cry, and laugh out in joy. I looked at Levi, even he looked amazed.

We got off our horses, and we stripped with just our harnesses, shirts and pants on, which were rolled up. The sand felt so good on my feet. The water tasted salty.

I was a 20 year old woman, yet I cheered and laughed and played in the water, splashing everyone and swimming. I got my whole body wet, the water cool yet nice. Levi sat by idly next to Hange, making sure they and I don't hurt ourselves.

I laughed, running up to Levi. "Levi! The water is so nice, come join and swim with me!" I smiled. This was the first time I've looked so happy in a year. The last time I was this happy was during the old times, with our old squad Petra, Oluo, Eld and Gunther.

"No. Who knows what's in the water." Levi declined right away.

"Don't be such a grump! God, I don't wanna be like you when I'm 36! Come on now!" I pleaded and begged him, acting childish and annoying. He growled, crossing his arms. "FINE, fine. Just don't get me as wet as you are."

Everyone was surprised to see us. They were surprised to see me this happy after so long, and Levi to be... Playing? I splashed water on him, until he growled and pushed me under. As revenge I pulled his ankle and dragged him under as well. Eventually it got to the point where he got so mad he lifted me over his shoulder while I squirmed, kicked and giggled.

"That's it! I'm making it so you don't pull me under anymore!" I squealed, and succeeded in having him let go of me. I plopped into the water, and he picked me up and kissed me, smiling, as the setting sun shone on us. He pulled away after a bit, and we stared into the horizon as Levi carried me, the wind blowing our hair.

I had grown my hair out so it was a few inches past my shoulders, and I always wore my one red silk ribbon my old squad had given me in a low ponytail. One half of my locket hung around my neck. The other half hung around Levi's. My half held some hair, a lock of my horse's, Sunflower, and the other was a lock of Levi's hair. A lock of my hair was in Levi's locket as well. Cheesy couple thing, I know, but why not.

"Hey Erwin, Petra, Eld, Gunther, Mike, Nanaba, Gelgar, Isabel and Farlan, you two I never met, even Oluo, surprisingly. Everyone who died. If you're here, thank you all so much. I miss you all. Thank you, for everything you've done." I told the emptiness.

"Why are you saying that?" Levi asked me, looking at me curiously.

I smiled at him. "Can you see them, Levi? Around us? Instead of questioning what they died for, they're smiling. Their deaths all meant something." I told him. He raised an eyebrow, and decided not to ask.

"Across that sea, are our enemies. If we kill them, will we be free?" I asked Levi next after a few minutes of silence.

He hesitated to answer. "Yes. I'm sure that's how it works. It might not be that easy however." He responded.

I shrugged back. "I know that. Let's go back to the shore, it's getting chilly."

Hange, Sasha, Connie and Jean were smirking at us when we got back on the beach. Levi was still carrying me.

"That was quite something, lovebirds! It's good seeing you back to your old cheery self, Valeri!" Hange told Levi and I.

"Oh shut up, shitty glasses." Levi rolled his eyes, putting me down as I giggled. "I'm a 20 year old woman!  I'm still young! Unlike grumpy mcgrump face here-" I nudged Levi's arm. In response he punched my shoulder, in which I reacted to with a painful yelp.

"You two can be so childish for a couple- and Captain Levi is the least childish person out of all of us." Jean pointed out.

"You're 16, you shouldn't be talking. I'm going to talk to Eren, Armin, and Mikasa." I rolled my eyes.

The three of them were in the water. They were all looking towards the horizon.

"Hey guys." I greeted, waving my hand. They all turned towards me. "Hey Valeri!" Armin greeted back. "You finally got to see the sea, buddy. Are you glad?" I grinned, slinging my arm around his shoulder. "Yeah, it's great!" Armin responded with his sweet smile

 Eren was expressionless. "Eren..." I noticed him, looking at his direction.

"Nothing's ever gonna be the same. Ever again. Deep inside me, I wish I could go back. I wish I didn't have to deal with all this responsibility, that I never had to kill Titans for revenge, then kill my enemies to be free." I told him.

Eren nodded, motioning that he knew. "I know."

"When this is all over. We're going back to normal, or as close as we can, right? All of us, living close to each other happy. Maybe some of us will have kids. It'll be nice. No more enemies, just finally a happy, peaceful life. I can't wait for that day to come, when our suffering is over." I confessed.

The three of them nodded. "Same. Let's hope that happens one day." Mikasa added.

"We should head back. The sun is setting." I told them, after a few more minutes of silence.

They agreed, heading back.

So this is it, huh? This chapter of our lives is over. We've discovered so much in just a few months, it's felt more like several years.

Whatever comes next, we'll all be ready to fight it. We will avenge everyone who died- Erwin, Isabel, Farlan, old Levi squad- and win and gain our freedom in the end. They wouldn't have truly died for nothing.


End of Season 3.

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