That had to be a joke though, who in their right mind would marry Blue Doom?

If that asshole is married then all bets are off, he wouldn't fucking dare, especially after knowing about me being cheated on before.

He couldn't be that utterly stupid, could he?

I slowly sit up, holding back the urge to puke and cry at the same time. It feels like I've run a fucking ten-mile race.

I slid to the edge of the bed slowly, trying not to move too quickly as my back spasms like a motherfucker.

I grip the back of my neck, desperate to stop the feeling of my brain rolling around freely in my skull.

"My neck," I hiss trying to close my eyes against the nausea, "my back," I whine.

Don't do it.

Don't sing it.

"Lick my puss and my crack, just do it, do it, lick it good, suck this pus-"

"I shouldn't be surprised," a deep voice scares the literal fuck out of me, making my head snap to the figure sitting in the corner by the bed, "and yet, here I am."

I blink stupidly at him, "I didn't know you were there."

"Glaringly obvious."

Someone just run me over. Let's just get it this soul sucking embarrassment over.

I press my hands into my lap, "it's a popular song."


"It promotes female... pride and... self-confidence."

Why can't I stop talking?

"Does it? What are the other lyrics?"

He's fucking with me.

I swallow drily, "All you ladies pop your... pussy like this. Shake your body, don't stop, don't miss."

He stares back at me in absolute silence, his masked face revealing absolutely no emotion.

I'm officially starting to stress sweat.

He runs a gloved hand down his face, "how is your arm?"

Thankful for the change of topic, I look down at the unmarred skin of my shoulder. It was completely healed, I trail my hand over the healed skin, "holy shit," I whisper looking at the miracle.

"Pony was able to heal you."

"He can't do stretch marks, right?" All I receive is a dark look, "you're right, you're right. Battle scars, a tiger has to earn her stripes. I'll keep them."


"So, where's Cory?"

"I'm having Pony waterboard him for information as we speak."

I choke, just as Pony comes bounding from around the corner with a perfectly fine Cory behind him.

I glare back at the stone-faced villain, "you know you're an actual dick."

He stands from his seat, "that's not new news."

"Suck my toes, asshole."

He tilts his head, a small smile crossing his face, "don't you mean lick your-"


Pony rushes into my arms a second later, his little body crashing into my own. "I'm glad you're okay! I was worried when you didn't wake up after I healed you."

Loving A Villain (EDITED VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now