Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

She could not get rid of him that easily.

She was sure of that fact. She had a feeling if she escaped now, he could follow her to her home. Lubna was living in the hostel specific for Jahan University's students while Kashmaala had to walk like Sajal to her home as it wasn't that far away. However, their homes were in opposite direction. So, they could not walk together to and fro.

She changed her route and walked on a different path that was also led to her home. Actually, there were more than one way to go to her home from university.

She followed a less crowded path and walked along the bank of a stream on an avenue. She sighed at the beautiful scenery around. Tall trees were on both sides. There was a clear water stream on her right side. Cool breeze was blowing and clean fresh water was flowing with melodic sound to her right. She sighed again and sat down when there was no one around in her sight. She took off her sandals, sat down on a big stone near the bank and put her feet into the fresh, clear running water.

The water was cold.

She gazed into the clear running water and closed her eyes listening to the language of universe.

He who was undergoing a turmoil while following her from the university saw her stopping and sitting down near the bank. He walked towards her clenching his fists. He could not understand why she could affect him up to such an extent and that made him dislike her. Just previously when she was smiling and talking to that person, he felt an inexplicable emotion which was so powerful that he who had tried to suppress it and he almost lost his composure when he saw her talking to that person again. He did not know what he was feeling that was so powerful that he could barely be in control of the situation.

He stepped towards her slowly as he saw her motionless.

He reached her and stopped abruptly. She had taken off her sandals and put her feet into the cold running water. Her eyes were closed, and the cool breeze was making her pure orange dupatta flutter in the air as well as her black hair that was dancing on her pretty forehead. She was dressed in the same clothes that she had worn on her first day.

The turmoil in him slowly started to calm down as his eyes entangled with the sight of her feet which were adorned with stunning henna patterns and designs. They were eye-catching. Her nails were painted with henna that had left deep maroon colour. Although henna on her feet had a bit faded away, but it was enough to dazzle him for moments.

He stood there motionless staring at her.

Slowly, without making any sound he sat down on the cement ground beside her. Her eyes were still closed making her long eyelashes more noticeable. She seemed lost and lonely against the beautiful surrounding.

Suddenly, he realised that she was good-looking. Her features had some kind of appeal. He saw her frowned and slowly opened her eyes.

She opened her eyes and gasped. She found him staring at her face and sitting beside her. She stared back at him blankly. He no longer looked scary and chilling. In fact, his expressions were a bit soft?

''You look creepy with that habit of staring.'' She subconsciously blurted out in a low voice.

She saw him got stunned then looked at her feet.

''The water is cold.'' He told her in a low and soft voice.

She blinked at his abnormal behaviour. He looked utterly different from his usual self. She looked at his right hand that was bandaged.

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