Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

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She looked at him shocked and the next moment she slapped his face hard. The sound of the slap echoed through the silent room like a gunshot.

She could see the shock in his eyes clearly. He stood there frozen and his eyes were widened not blinking at that moment. She knew the consequences of her actions but she could not help her reflex action because he had crossed her personal space again.


He was strolling in the back garden. He would run his hand through his hair now and then. The garden was included in Forbidden Territory. No outsider knew that there could be such magnificent gardens in the forbidden area. He did not expel Sajal Hayat who broke a rule. For this he could sense the questioning gazes of his friends as well when they had gathered to decide her fate. He did not know why but he did not want to expel her; instead he detained her to see her comeback. He had never wasted his time on useless and unrelated things. However, he could feel some changes in his mind when she was mentioned not to say when she was around. That's why he decided to detain her to see why he was feeling such changes because of her. He was always clear about his thoughts and actions. He never felt confused when it came to his priorities, so when a foolish girl was causing disturbance in his mind how could he let her go that easily without knowing the problem. He could not let her go. He could not when she was slowly affecting him.

He also found her interesting: when she stood in front of him and did not show fear; when she stood up for her friends; when she spoke her mind without any hesitation; when she...

Suddenly, he remembered her talking with Shehroz Sikandar and his eyes narrowed unconsciously. He did not know what were they talking about? He had watched them through camera. He could guess that he was welcoming her so that he could get her on his side. Usually, he won't care and he would know easily about his opponents by just taking a glance at Sikandar's followers. He did not know why but he felt uncomfortable when he saw her and Sikandar talking with each other. He frowned at the unknown annoying thoughts and feelings.

He snapped out of his thoughts by the sounds of the hurried footsteps heading towards his direction. He frowned when he saw Aneela Ijaaz running towards him. She was looking furious and frustrated. It seemed like she was made angry to the point of banging her own head against the wall.

''Umar.'' She called him from afar.

''Umar, you have no idea what happened?'' She gritted her teeth.

He did not say anything and gave her a questioning look. Could it be about that foolish girl? He thought.

''You won't have any idea how has that scholarship girl taken the punishment given by you?'' She fumed.

Oh! So it was indeed about her. He thought.

''Umar, what do you think about the punishment?'' She asked him.

He was going to answer it saying in one word 'interesting' when he heard footsteps again. He turned towards that direction and saw Ashar Malik stomping towards them. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Ashar's furious face. So, she had made him furious as well. Interesting! An unnoticeable gleam appeared in his eyes.

''Umar! That girl is insulting us. She is a freak!'' Aneela said in a loud voice.

''Yes, Aneela is right. That girl is odd. Instead of taking the punishment as her insult she is taking it as a rare opportunity to polish her 'TALENTS.'''

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