Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

She was still musing over what happened in the university, even, till night. It was so fascinating for her to teach lessons to any arrogant, cruel and rude bully. Imran had still not returned home. It was now nine o' clock. They had supper very early. Saadia auntie had asked her countless questions which revolved around only one theme that if she had met someone ''Special''.

She was sketching a pattern in her bedroom when her door opened. She looked towards the door. Imran was watching her with unknown expressions.

''Assslamoalaikum!'' she jumped towards him.

''Walaikumassalam!'' he replied with a complicated look.

''What happened?'' she stood near him and examined his face closely.

'' Nothing.'' He lightly smiled.

''Something has happened.'' She narrowed her eyes at him.

''It's nothing. Just an encounter with a small gang.'' He shook his hand.

''Are you sure?'' she stared at him. It was normal for them to come across such groups.

''Hmm'' he moved towards her sketch book. She stared at his back wordlessly. Something was not right. She thought.

''What?'' his laugh sounded in the room. ''Instead of dress designing you were busy in jewellery designing?''

''It's also my area of expertise.'' She said coldly.

''You want to sell it anonymously?'' he was a genius after all.

''Correct.'' She was expressionless.

''I can find someone who can make jewelleries on any brand name you want.'' He said generously.

She thought for a moment then said

''I will meet that person before selling.''

''Okay!'' he smiled.

''How was your first day of university?'' he asked her meaningfully.

She giggled at the thought of what happened in the university then her eyes fell on his meaningful expressions.

''Why should I tell you?'' You already know.'' She scowled at him. She knew about him keeping ''informers''.

He laughed loudly. She also smiled at him. Then the siblings were laughing whole heartedly for a long time.


She was wearing peach colour frock over green churidar pajama and peach dupatta with eye-catching green embroidery. Her hair was fully covered in her dupatta. Her stunning eyes had a thin layer of surma. She was wearing green glass bangles on her left hand. She had put on so many in order to avoid the sounds when they make. She was wearing Peach and green Peshawari chappal.

She was looking elegant, beautiful yet simple.

Today, she walked to University.

As soon as she entered, she, at once, could feel that chilling cold eyes that stared at her very long yesterday. She sighed and then glared everywhere as if firing back at the unknown person. She sneered inwardly when the stare intensified. She went to her class.

A commotion was going on in the class when she entered. She frowned when she saw her classmates surrounding that place where she seated yesterday. A bad premonition aroused in her heart. She pursed her lips and strode towards them. When the students saw her, they got to a side to make a path for her. She got stunned when she saw Lubna crying. Kashmaala had encircled her arm around her and seemed to console her. Both were paled.

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