Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

He ran across the hilly area. He would trip sometimes, nevertheless it did not stop him to take a few breaths. His instincts were driving him to struggle for his survival. He somehow crossed the hilly area. He would often glanced here and there blankly to note any suspicious person or activity in the surrounding. He wanted to avoid being followed. He seemed to have a direction in his mind as he walked through several streets and knocked on a door of a house.


''What do you think about the renovation of your private sitting room?'' Raza Baazeer asked The Greats lightly. He had put on a soft smile as his eyes swept over The Greats and stopped at Aneela Ijaaz.

Sajal stared at him hiding her shock. He was a cunning man. His tone was like as if he was asking them to share their feelings about the renovation. Obviously, he was giving them an opportunity to criticise her and making things difficult for her.

''Good,'' before Aneela could say something Umar Jahan said staring blankly at the plants in the room.

''What?'' Aneela looked at him in shock. The other persons also turned towards him in surprise.

Sajal saw him looking at the principal. They seemed to exchange something through eye contact. The principal smiled and turned towards Sajal who scoffed inwardly.

''You have done a good job. You will receive the result today.'' He smiled gently at her and told the examiners to go back to his office.

They nodded at him and stepped out of the room. Sajal noticed the one second eye contact of Umar Jahan and Gulnaar Qalandar. Something was exchanged between them— as if she wanted to be assure of something and as if he had assured her of something. Sajal frowned because she felt that Qalandar at that moment looked vulnerable. However, it was so fast that she could only doubt her feeling.

Sajal saw the principal and the examiners left the room. She glanced at The Bullies who were staring at her with different expressions: Gulmeena Jahan had an amused expression on her face; Samad Amir was looking at her with a gentle and indifferent smile. Ashar Malik was pouting and glaring while Aneela Ijaaz was shooting arrows with her eyes at her. And he was staring at her blankly. She could not see the calculation in his blank eyes. She smirked at them and stepped out of the sitting room.

''Sir,'' she called out to the principal who was walking towards the entrance door of Forbidden Territory along with the examiners.

''What?'' the principal gave her a questioning look.

''Here, the debit card and the list of the items used for the renovation.'' She walked towards him and handed him a debit card and a list. The list was a complete detail of expenses of the renovation project. Sajal had to prepare that and she was the one who ordered all the necessary items. She felt that necessary.

''Okay,'' he nodded gently at her and resumed walking towards the entrance.

She looked towards them and looked back towards the sitting room. She was curious about who can enter this area and who cannot. She shook her head and walked towards the entrance.

Suddenly an ear piercing shriek stopped her at her track. She noticed the principal and the examiners had gone. After a moment of consideration she walked back to the sitting room because she could not stop her curiosity as the shriek seemed to belong to Aneela Ijaaz. Why had she yelled out of terror?


The door opened and the person at the other side gasped when he saw the person in front of him bathed in blood. He hurriedly looked here and there, however no one was there to see this view. Luckily, it was a working day and people would not come to this part of the valley so often on working days.

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