Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

He stared at them with interest. They were green in colour and were simple. He frowned when he saw her continuous struggle to get her hand out of his grip and run from here.

Did she think that going out from his territory was as easy as entering? He smirked at the thought. She had entered his 'Forbidden Territory' where he is the Monarch!

He looked up at the fierce, brave but foolish girl. Yes, she was foolish for him. In fact, 'female' gender was a symbol of foolishness for him. He had never met a girl who could understand the ups and downs of the world. Aneela Ijaaz was a liberal and bold girl. His little cousin Gulmeena was shy but broad-minded girl. The only difference was that Aneela was 'evil' while Gulmeena was a 'good' girl. She had never bullied someone and often had helped people. On the other hand, Aneela had bullied people; expelled many students; spent money like water. She had a huge crush on him. He knew that but he was not interested. He was not interested in any one, any girl. It would be insulting for Umar Jahan to even think of falling and caring for a woman. Aneela may be considered his childhood friend.

He looked up at her face. Her eyes were glaring at him; there was fire in them; they were furious. His interest increased. She had beautiful eyes; they were mesmerising.

He narrowed his eyes. He was shocked by his own thought. Why was he thinking like this? He frowned and looked at her in displeasure. She raised her eyebrows at him.

What's the deal with that young man? She thought. Did he not like bangles? Because a while ago he was looking at her glass bangles intently! That's great! She can annoy him by continuously wearing bangles. She thought to herself childishly.

''Do you think you can get away just that easily with your actions?'' he said darkly.

She looked at him silently. He looked dark, cold and dangerous– exuding an icy chilly and dark aura. She realised at once that he had the capability to destroy what he wanted to destroy. She knew the consequences of her actions but she did not regret that. Rather, she was happy by teaching a lesson to The Bullies.

''No.'' she said quietly.

''Oh.'' Umar looked at her. He was surprised by her answer for some reason. May be he was not expecting her to answer so bluntly.

''That's good that you know the consequences of your actions.'' He said in a laidback voice.

''But I don't care.'' She snapped at him. ''And leave my hand.'' She shouted.

Umar Jahan freed her hand from his strong grip. He almost forget that he was holding her hand for a while.

She turned around angrily and walked away. But both they knew that walking out of that ''Forbidden Territory'' easily did not mean that she could get away easily from the outcomes!

However, one thing that both did not notice was that Umar Jahan had never talked to a girl while being so close; never held a girl's hand and most importantly never wasted his precious time to think about a girl.

Sajal Hayat did not know that if these facts were heard by anyone out there that person would never believe that.

And may be a commotion would break out.


''Brother! Tell me about Umar Jahan and no joking okay!'' Sajal asked Imran that evening. They were strolling along the path to their new home.

Imran sighed and looked at her, ''Must you be involved with him and his gang.''

''It's too late now. So, tell me now.'' She mumbled. ''I feel there is more to him than a wannabe bad boy.''

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