Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

She froze for a few seconds and then clenched her fists. He even got her number. She stared at the screen blankly.

He called her again. She ignored him. He called and sent her messages again and again, but she neither received his call nor replied to his messages. After five minutes, her phone stopped illuminating. She stared at the black screen and busied herself in her homework.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

''Come in,'' she frowned at that.

She saw the door opened, and Imran entered the room.

''Imran!'' she rushed towards him.

''Oh sister! Calm down,''

''No, tell me what happened?''

''He is still unconscious. He had suffered from blood loss, physical and mental torture, stress etc.''

''He had not woken up.'' She frowned.

''Hmm, he is drained of his energy.''

''Who had tortured him?'' she mumbled to herself.

''We would know when he woke up.'' Imran said.

''Jahan asked me to help him promote the local handicrafts.'' She said in a calm tone.

''Oh,'' he looked at her.

''Oh?'' she gave him a questioning glance.

''What do you think?'' he asked his sister. His expression was normal.

''I want to but not if he is involved.'' She said bluntly.

''As you wish. I am always here.'' He patted himself.

''That's not the answer I was expecting.'' She looked at him curiously.

''Don't you think he could be considering me a chess piece in his game?''

Imran stared at her silently.

''What? Won't you say something?'' she felt something was wrong with him, but she could not pinpoint that.

''What's wrong?'' he smirked at her. ''I told you do as you wish.''

''You are hiding something?'' she gazed at him suspiciously.

''What?'' he grinned.

''What are you hiding? I knew you were hiding something from me about this and about our so-called challenge as well.'' She said seriously.

''What?'' he was smirking widely.

''Imran,'' she warned.

''Alright, I have to go back to our patient. He is still unconscious.''

''Are you avoiding my questions?''

''Don't worry. I have arranged some people to take care of him in my absence.''

''Oh,'' she nodded her head at him. ''That's good.''

''Hmm,'' he patted her head and turned around swiftly walking away.

''Hey, you've still not answered my questions.'' She ran after him.



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