Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

He stared at her: his frosty eyes flashed with unknown emotions. His breathe got a bit irregular. He felt complicated at that moment. His chilly eyes stared at her with intensity. The air surrounded him sizzled with frostiness and something dark that could creep out any person. Neither his concentration broke nor did she give him a glance. He watched as she talked with that person. He did not move from his spot until he watched her walked away with the other three girls. His glacier eyes had followed her till she disappeared from his sight.

He stared at the shattered glass on the ground which was coloured with his blood. His blood was still pouring out of his hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and took out his phone with another hand. He called someone to take care of the shattered glass. After keeping the phone in his pocket, he took a white handkerchief and wrapped it around his right hand. He jogged towards Forbidden Territory.

''Elder brother! What happened?''

Gulmeena was reading her textbook in the back garden when she saw him entered with his right hand coloured with blood. His hand was wrapped up with a handkerchief that was now red.

Suddenly, she halted for a few seconds. Umar Jahan's eyes were dark and frosty. His face was stern and a sinister aura was radiating off him. She hesitated for a second then rushed towards him.

She stared at her cousin cum brother the entire time when the doctor treated him and took out small pieces of glass from his wounds. His face was blank the entire time. She could not detect the turmoil again as if everything was normal.

Something must have had happened that she got to see such a response from him. She asked him again. However, he did not answer her and merely shook his head.

When she saw him got up and went to his office. She took out her phone and ordered someone to investigate the tiniest detail that had happened in university.


''Search everything about her. Search in the capital as well. What did she do the past years? I want to know all. Investigate all about her.''

A cold voice sounded in the study.

''Yes, Saib.'' He shuddered while replied to his leader.


''Ms Hayat!'' she was going to library when someone called her.

She turned around and saw Tahir Zaryaab, a member of department of business management, walking towards her with a professional smile.

''Yes, sir.'' She looked at him curiously.

''I want to discuss with you about some business related things if you can take out some time for that.'' He smiled in an easy-going manner.

''Oh,'' Sajal looked at him with interest. She was kind of expecting that from his previous response.

''Sure, why not sir. I have time now.'' She replied professionally. Tahir Zaryaab looked at her with approval at her professional response.

After sometime they entered main library. They found a quiet corner and took their seats.

''Sir, what do you want to discuss?'' Sajal asked him curiously.

''It's about Fashion Design and Interior Design.''

''What about that?''

''Your interior designing skills have a business potential. I wonder if you would like to have cooperation with us in this field.''

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