Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It was after party when her phone rang. She was in her room at that time. She glanced at the caller ID. It was her teacher, Hiroji Jin.

''Hi!'' she said in a low voice.

''Hi Sajal! How are you?'' Hiroji said enthusiastically. Whenever he sounded enthusiastic or showed emotions, it was bad news or he wanted something unexpected from his students. Otherwise, his demeanour was always cold.

''Fine. How are you?'' suddenly she sounded cheerful and enthusiastic.

Hiroji Jin laughed and said, ''Are you angry? Remember anger is not good for a martial arts student.'' His tone was authoritative. He laughed rarely. He laughed, now, because he wanted to make her angry, a trick used on opponents and taught to students of martial arts.

''I know. I've received punishment in the past for this.'' She said suggestively.

''Good! You remember. I want to say few things before you are cut off for six months. No matter how much tough situation you face, be consistent and patient. They are just six months.''

''I will, InshaAllah!'' Sajal said determined.

''That's my student. Don't complain to anyone.'' He said in a final tone. He was a straight forward and direct person.

''Do you mean I should complain only to you?'' she asked innocently.

''No.'' he commanded and hung up.

She laughed at the irony of the situation.

Her phone rang again. This time, it was Nida Khan, her martial arts teacher.

''Assalam-o-Alaikum!'' she said cheerfully.

''Walaikumussalam!'' Ms. Khan sounded curious.

''How're you, ma'am?'' Sajal sounded 'concerned' about her teacher's wellbeing.

''I'm fine. When are you going on your next adventure?'' Khan asked.

''Tomorrow morning.'' She smiled.

''That's great! Isn't it?'' Khan said daringly.


''Do you know your win is my win?'' No words of sympathy! It was Nida Khan after all. She always showed to her students that how high her hopes and expectations were.

After talking to both of her teachers. Some of her cousins of their gang called. She talked to them cheerfully.

She received the last call from the bracelet designer a.k.a her cousin, Taneema Saak.

''Assalam-o-Alaikum!'' Taneema greeted guiltily.

''Waalaikumussalam!'' Sajal laughed.

''You're laughing.'' Taneema screamed.

''What? You want me to cry my eyes out!'' Sajal screamed on the phone.

''No! No! I've heard what has happened to you.'' Taneema voice grew quiet.

''What happened to me?'' Sajal mocked. She was smiling now.

''It's because of that bracelet. If only I hadn't told you about that...''

Sajal cut her off, ''Oh! Shut up. You and I know I didn't buy that bracelet for wearing.''

''True.'' Taneema said quietly.

''So, don't worry and sleep well.'' Sajal glanced outside through the window.

''But how could Mama (uncle) do this to you and Imran?'' Taneema asked in disbelief.

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