"Was Taylor clinging onto you at the dance?" Blake asked.


Blake laughed slightly.

"I wouldn't blame you for leaving either."

He smiled at the girl and laid his head on his arms the same way she just did.

"If you could go back in time for one day what day would you relive?"

"Last year's Halloween."

"Why?" Jace asked.

It was oddly specific and she clearly thought about it before.

"My dad and I always went trick or treating every single year. But last year I told him I was too old to go trick or treating. It was our tradition since I was one. I would want to go back and go trick or treating with him because I didn't think it would be my last halloween with him."

Jace sighed, "I'm sorry Blake."

She shrugged and played with her rings.

"What day would you want to relive?"

"The day Michelle was born."

"She your favorite?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, she has always been my little munchkin. Her being born was one of the happiest days of my life, she's like my little sidekick."

Blake envied the relationship he had with his siblings, especially Michelle. She wished her parents had at least one more kid. She really wanted a sibling.

"It's lonely being an only child."

Jace glanced at Blake.

"I thought you liked being alone."

"I do, it would have been nice to have someone to grow up with. Someone to help me with mom."

"Well you can still have siblings if your mom remarries."

"It won't be the same, I'm almost eighteen and they would be my half siblings."

Silence consumed the two again. Before Jace brought up a thought that had just crossed his mind.

"Your dad was the famous Adam Sterling wasn't he?"

Blake sat up and looked at him.


"I saw your last name on a college envelope, your dad in the pictures looks just like the actor, and your dad and Adam died."

Blake sat quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah he's my dad."

"That's really cool, his movies are awesome! Oh and his songs! Whenever I heard about his secret daughter and wife I had no idea you would be his daughter! I've always been a huge fan of him and all his movies!" Jace ranted.

He continued to rant about his favorite movies of him as Blake sat silently. She wasn't to the point where she could talk this much about him without getting upset.

She squeezed her eyes shut as he still rambled on about the amazing Adam Sterling.

"Jace, shut up."

He stopped talking and noticed the sad look in the girls eyes and his eyes widened realizing his mistake.

"Oh god Blake! I'm really sorry, I wasn't thinking."

"It's whatever, I'm gonna head home."

"I didn't mean to make you upset I'm sorry" Jace said as Blake stood up with her skateboard in hand.

"It's whatever, I'll catch you later."

Blake skated off and Jace groaned loudly. He really didn't mean to upset her. He was just excited that one of his favorite actors and singers was actually Blake's dad. He found that incredibly cool so he got a little carried away.

Blake laid in her bed staring at the ceiling in silence, something that she did often.

It was her way of being able to zone out and picture herself somewhere happy.

So she did.


"Daddy! Daddy! Look!"

Adam turned to look at Blake as she held to what looks to be an empty baggy in her hand as she ran towards him.

"It's a uh, plastic bag?" he questioned his five year old daughter.

She laughed loudly as he picked her up once she got to him.

"No silly! I lost a tooth today! See!"

She smiled and moved her lip slightly to show the now empty gap in between two teeth. She then pointed her finger to the small tooth that was in the corner of the bag.

"No way!" Adam said as he carried his daughter to the car.

"Isn't that cool! Now the tooth fairy will come!"

Adam smiled at his daughter as he put her in her car seat.

"I bet she will be really happy to get a tooth from you princess" Adam said as he hopped up in the drivers seat.

"You think so?" Blake asked hopefully as she stared at her little tooth in the bag.

"Well duh! Who wouldn't want a tooth from a princess?"

Blake laughed loudly and Adam's smile widened listening to his favorite sound in the world.

"Mommy should be home soon from work" Adam said as he pulled up into their driveway.

"I get to show mommy!" Blake smiled happily.

Adam nodded with a proud smile and helped his daughter jump out of the car.

"Can we skateboard until she gets home?"

Adam nodded and Blake ran inside as her little braids bounced against her back.

She got her little skateboard while Adam helped her put her knee pads on while she put her elbow pads on.

"Where's your helmet princess?" Adam asked his daughter before she stepped foot on her board.

"Oh right! Silly me."

Blake ran to their garage and grabbed her helmet, which was a matching helmet with her dad.

When it became night time, Blake waited in her room for her parents to kiss her goodnight.

"Goodnight snuffy, love you" her mom smiled at her.

"Goodnight mommy! Love you too!"

Adam walked in after his wife and kissed her cheek before whispering he'll be in bed soon like always.

He tucked Blake in like he always did whenever he wasn't working and kissed her forehead.

"The song daddy, I'm waiting!" Blake said.

Adam laughed at his daughter and rubbed her silky smooth cheek. His little girl was so precious.

He began singing their song and Blake couldn't help but let her eyes close listening to her dad's voice to their song.

Once he finished he gave a gentle kiss on her forehead and walked towards the door.

"Goodnight princess, I love you" he whispered.

Blake cracked open one eye and yawned.

"Daddy I love you more."

Adam's heart soared as he shut the door behind him.

*flashback over*

Blake clenched her shirt tightly above her heart as she curled up into a little ball.

She hated the pain. She wanted it to go away.

The Girl with the Purple HairWhere stories live. Discover now