Chapter 23:

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"Julian!" I shout banging on the glass. He continues looking around as all the other me's copy me.

"Julian it's me!" I shout

"Don't listen to her she's lying' Julian it's me!" Anothe me shouts.

"Julian! Please!" I shout but he continues spinnin in circles.

How can I show him it's me. What's the one thing nobody else can do that isn't me."

"Julian look at me." I say and he snaps his attention to me but then moves it on.

"Julian. Listen to my voice. I know you know who is really me. Please close your eyes and listen to your heart, find me."

The others copy me but I don't give up hope on it.

"Follow your heart." We whisper and his eyes snap open.

"Serena." He says looking right at me and I smile. He yanks out his knife and chucks it at the glass around me. It shatters and I cover my head as it goes everywhere. An instant later shrieks fill the air as the other me's shatter into glass and everything falls still.

I climb out of the container and he catches me when I jump down.

"Serena." He says and I smile as he pulls me tight against him his arms keeping me right there.

"How'd you figure it out?"

"I took your advice. I listened to my heart and it lead me to the true you." He says and I smile as he pulls me in for another embrace.


"No!" I shout feeling the glass break.

"I told you he'd know the true her." Anastasia winces out.

"Yet, the bind has yet to be sealed." I say grinning like a maniac.

"He found my daughter through the glass, he will figure out that he must bind himself, there's no way he won't." She says

"You have little time my dear."

"I'm holding on to watch my daughter and your son beat you at your own game." She hisses and I laugh bending down to her level.

"Nobody will beat me at my own game."

"You seem so sure, yet you don't seem to understand, we've already won." She says


"We gotta get back there." I say grabbing the necklace off the ground and walking back over to Serena.

"What's the plan?" She asks

"I just need you to stay safe, you need to stay as far from the scene as you can-

"No, you're not doing this alone."

"Serena, please I can't bare the idea of you getting hurt."

"Then don't. Everything will be fine." She says grabbing my hand.

"Ok." I say and she nods as we turn around and take off back the way I came.


"Time's a ticking and your daughter has yet to shown her face."

"They'll be here."

"You hold onto a hope that is far lost by now-

"No hope is ever lost." I say pressing harder on my wound trying to slow the bleeding.

"Maybe that's so but your lights dimming away, you'll be dead by the time they get here-

"Back away from her now." I turn finding Julian and the girl standing side by side.

"It seems you have found the girl." The King says and I look over at my daughter and her Guardian as they stand hand in hand. He must bind her to him! He must there is no other way this'll work.

"Your angel is dying out." The King hisses


"Not if I can help it." Julian hisses then lunges. I run over to the woman laying on the ground and my heart stops.



"But you died! The house burned! How are you-

"I was given a second chance."

"At what?"

"To fight this evil and end it once in for all."

"How do we do it?"

"We can't, not unless you die too."

"I don't understand."

"You're blood bound to him. The King of demons can not die unless the daughter of light and dark dies by his side."

"How do we kill him without me having to die?"

"Only a man with a pure heart can break the bind. He must bind himself to you and you will be set free from the bind with the king."

I look over my shoulder at Julian as he lunges at his father again.

"How do we do it?"

"It's no simple task- a kiss-

"Not simple? That's easily simple!" I exclaim going to get up but she pulls me back down.

"There's more too it."

"What do you mean?"

"Blood must be shared, the love from both unmistakably clear, a kiss must be felt in bliss, and the death of a dark soul within, renewed in great gold." She says

"I don't understand-

"Julian does but you both must love one another."

"How do I know that he loves me?" I ask

"Serena, that is not the question you should be asking."

"What do you mean?"

"Go to him, I can hold the King off but not for long." She says putting her hand against the blood that stains her shirt over her abdomen.

"We can't do this all so quickly and the death of a dark soul renewed to gold? What does that even mean."

"Go to Julian- we don't have much time." She says and I look over my shoulder as he blocks a blow.

"Alright." I say then jump up and rush over to him. I duck then pull him down with me.

"Do you love me?" I ask as he shoves me to the ground rolling me out of danger.

"Really is this really the- look out!" He shouts and shoves me behind him as a sword swipes at my head.

"Do you love me?" I ask yanking him down as we dodge another blow.

"This is so not the time for this Serena."

"You have to bind me to you!" I shout

"Excuse me?"

"The only way your father can die is if I die alongside with him."

"No!" He shouts blocking another blow.

"This chit chat is getting awful!" The King shouts and Julian side kicks as he lunges at us.

"Julian do you love me?"

"Serena this isn't- shit." He shoves me down his body covering mine as a tree falls down right beside us.

"Go!" My mother shouts and I yank Julian up and run him into a small opening between two trees.

"Do you love me?"


"You must answer the question! Do you love me?"

His eyes meet mine


"Then bind yourself to me, it's the only way."

"I can't do that to you-

"Bind yourself to me if you truly love me." I whisper handing him the knife.


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