Chapter 4:

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How's that possible he looks the same as in the pictures I saw today and this one is from BC.

"Yeah that was my thought exactly."

"Oh my god Julian, that is your father!" I exclaim clicking on the picture and I look up at him as he nods.

"How is that possible though? He looks exactly the same!" I exclaim trying to figure out what this could mean.

"Maybe it's just a brother?" He asks but I shake my head.

"No one, not even identical twins can look that much alike, there is always something different about them and this picture looks just like the one of your father from before he went missing."

"How can we be sure of it though?" He asks and I move his hand away from the mouse and click new tab then look up Marcus Ashford. I copy that picture onto a blank file and print it then I grab the picture from way back when and do the same thing.

"I can scan them." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"What kind of Journalist are you?" He asks and I laugh.

"One who knows how to fight, knows how to hold a gun, got an amazing gene from her father on computers, and so on." I say clicking scan.

"How did you get these like scanners, I've only ever seen them in like FBI shows and such."

"Well first it's CSI, and it's because my dad happened to be in that field. He taught me how to use and work them."

"I assume he taught you how to shoot and fight also?"

"Yep." The computer beeps and I click on the pictures then move them on top of one another and click scan. Beeps sound repeatedly as the picture is checked and the images are matched up.

"What do we do now?"

"We wait, scanning can take up to three hours." I say rubbing my face at the time. 11:00 pm, dang we've been here for quite some time.

"Three hours?"

"Yes, especially when it comes to pictures of people. Keys and other small objects are usually only like thirty minutes to an hour because not as much stuff needs to be searched and matched, but with humans, it's a totally different story. My dad said the first scan he did on a person took three hours to complete and the second one two hours and thirty minutes but aside from that I haven't tried myself to scan any people." I say clicking the power off button then standing up.

"Is it still gonna scan?"

"Yes, it will. I only put it into hibernation mode." I say turning to face him.

"You can head home if you want, I can get the scans to you tomorrow."

"No, I want to see them the second they're done."

"You'll literally be sitting here for three hours Julian, it's not going to be fun. I was going to go to sleep and get them off the computer tomorrow." I say and he shrugs.

"I'm staying, and you said you thought someone was in here right? Well while you sleep I'll stay down here and just chill. I'll keep the house guarded and pull the scans off the computer when they're done."

"I don't know Juli-"

"What are you scared of?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"Um nothing." I say giving him a what on earth kinda look.

"Then, let me stay."

"Fine, but I'm sleeping. Come wake me up when the scans come through." I say and he nods sitting down in the chair.

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