Chapter 2:

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I park on the side of the road in front of the old abandoned house and get out. Being sure the key is in my pocket I take a deep breath then walk up the gravel driveway stopping once I get to the house. I knock once, twice and wait for a response, but none come. I'm about to turn around and head home when the sound of a chainsaw going off in the backyard sounds. I breathe in and out then turn and walk around the house reaching the backyard. I stop and just stand their watching the guy work in the bright sun.

I don't wanna bother him.. Yeah well if you want this job you better! Ehhh how important is this job? It's your life idiot.

Damn conflicts in my head!

"Damn it." I mumble then walk towards him.

"Hello!?" I call over the sound and he spins around and I shriek as he shoves the chainsaw up to my face.

"Who are you?" He asks and I look at the blade with wide eyes.

"Um my name is Serena Trevelyan." I say pushing my finger onto the tip of the chainsaw blade and moving it away from my face.

"Why are you here?" He asks putting the chainsaw down and wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"I came to ask about this actually." I say holding up the key.

"Where'd you find that?" He asks eyeing it and I shrug.

"My boss- well my hopefully soon to be boss gave it to me- do you recognize it?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Nope never seen it." He says pulling the string and starting up the chainsaw again.

"Are you sure!? It has your name on the back of it- well you're last name!" I shout over the noise and he arches his shoulders back before turning off the chainsaw and turning back to face me.

"How do you know it has my last name on it? How do you even know who I am?" He asks

"Um Google." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"You searched my name?"

"Well yes, I mean that's the job of a journalist."

"Oh, you're a journalist." He says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Well gee, don't be too happy about it." I mumble and he looks over his shoulder at me.

"Look I've told you people everything, I have nothing else to share."

"That can't be true, or else I wouldn't have been sent here." I say and he turns back around with a sigh.

"I never said there wasn't anything else, I just said I'm not sharing anything else." He says crossing his arms.

"But don't you want to figure out what happened to your father?"

"Look- Serena was it?" I nod and he continues on.

"My father has been gone for four years, I've done everything I can to find him and still nothing. So, it's not happening anymore. Now scurry back off to your job and tell them I said screw off." He turns back to what he was working on before and I huff as he starts the chainsaw and cuts once again.

Rude much?

I try to think of what to do and I catch site of the key in my hand and I bite my lip. It's worth a shot.

"You said you've tried everything right!?" I shout over the revving of the chainsaw but he ignores me. I know it's risky but I step up beside him and pull the chord that shuts off the chainsaw then quickly step back.

"Seriously?" He asks glaring at me.

"Answer my question." I say and he huffs.

"What is your question?"

"You said you've tried everything right?"

"God you're obnoxious- yes I have."

"I'm a journalist it's my job."

"Yeah, I can see that." He says looking me up and down and I huff.

"Have you tried scanning the key?" I ask and his eyes snap to mine. Yeah he's definitely no older then twenty.

"How old are you?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow.

"You were just talking about scanning a key and now you want to know my age?"

"Yep, what is it?"

"Twenty one." He says and I nod (dang off by one), then go back to the subject.

"So, have you tried scanning the key?"

"You're a strange one." He mumbles and I roll my eyes.

"Have you?"

"No, I haven't."

"Let's try it then." I say and he raises an eyebrow and I go to turn around

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's the catch journalist?" He asks grabbing my arm; stopping me in my path. I turn to face him and he still doesn't release me.

"Fine, if the scan works and we find a location of where this key was found or made then that's one step closer to my story and-"


"You have to let me go with you to the coordinates of the key, and I stay on this assignment and you stick with me."

"And what do I get out of this?" He asks and I put my hand over top of his to get him to let go of me but he won't. I sigh keeping my hand there as I finish talking-

"We find your father, Marcus Ashford."


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