Chapter 21:

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"Gotcha!" I shriek as I'm grabbed from behind and lifted high into the air.

"Put me down!" I scream kicking and clawing.

"Shut up!"

"Help!" I scream gasping as suddenly all air leaves my body.

"I said shut up!"

"Put her down." I hit the ground and I gasp for air clawing at the dirt and hacking.


"How do you know my name?" He asks and the guy rips the mask from his face and I freeze.


"Hello my boy."

"What have you done to yourself?" Julian asks as I jump up and run over to him. He pushes me slightly behind him shielding me with his body.

"I've joined forces with the demons."

"Why would you do such a thing! They killed your family; her family! And now after fighting against them for years you're siding with them?"

"I'm immortal now! I can live forever and with this girls blood so can you." He says and I scream as I'm pulled towards him by some sort of force.

"Julian!" I shreik as I'm suddenly in the air held by the same force.

"What are you talking about?" Julian asks

"Half demon half guardian quite a job she has, the blood is stronger then any on the planet."

"What?" I get out

"That's right child. I know you're secret."

"What's he talking about Serena?" Julian asks me as I'm dropped to the ground again.

"I don't know." I get out pushing up to my knees.

"Don't play dumb child. You cannot fool a demon king."

I scream as I'm thrown hard at a tree and then crumble to the ground.

"You're insane! I'm human! That's that!" I shout and he laughs as Julian rushes over to me.

"Please! You're mother played the same card as you."

"My mother?" I ask

"Yes, I had to end her life. She was too powerful. She had to be finished."

"You're crazy!" Julian shouts helping me to my feet.

"No my son you are, for falling for this girl's lies."

"The only lies that were ever said were from my mouth father. I kept you and everything a secret. I kept that you had died a secret."

"But you told her in the end- yet look at me now. Does it seem like I'm dead?" He asks holding out his hands.

"Yes, all you are is a corpse with a creature burrowed inside of you." Julian spits pulling me right to his side.

"You're a fool!"

"No, you are! You're the fool for giving your soul over to darkness! You are not my father, you simply have his face!" Julian shouts then releases me and runs at his father. I shreik as arms snake around me and I ran my head back then spin around and kick hard my foot connecting with the chest of this monster. I yank my knife out Julian gave me and throw it at him glad when it hits straight on.

Without control over my own limbs it seems I move into battle mode. My vision becomes clearer as I trace every movement that is felt, heard, or seen around me. I look over my shoulder and see Julian hit the ground.

"You are the fool! You're fighting the king of demons! Your own father!"

"You are not my father! He'd never do this!" Julian shouts then jumps up and lunges at the demon.

I spin and block a blow instantly in shock at my reflexes.

What is going on!?

I duck as a knife flies over my head from behind and I spin around quickly chucking another knife at that demon as well and watching him burn to dust. I grab both knives off the ground and gasp as the strange force lifts me into the air and squeezes the life out of me.

"Let her go!" Julian shouts as my eyes start to droop heavily from the lack of aid entering my lungs.

This sudden bolt of electricity fills me and in an instant I am released from the force and I land on the ground in a crouch.

I jump up and fight off all the demons finally reaching Julian who's coughing as he father walks towards him. I run in front of Julian.

"No!" I shout shielding him.

"Serena get away!"

"Listen to him my dear."

"No!" I shout

A burst of light shoots from my body and the world before me vanishes as I land hard on my side. I cough and sit up finding myself in some kind of cave it seems.

"Hello!?" I call but the only response is my voice echoing off the walls.


I watch as the light hits my father in the chest he falls back. All the demons vanish and everything is so still. I look up at Serena in shock and amazement and she looks back at me.


"No, my name is Anastasia, Serena is safe do not fear."

"I don't under-

But she cuts me off turning to have my father.

"I should've killed you years ago!"

"Anastasia, good to see you come out of hiding." He says and she shoots another thing of light at him and spins to face me.

"Take this- go find Serena. She's safe for now but I have no clue for how long much less where she is." She says and I nod taking the necklace.

Confusion is all that overtakes me as I jump up and run.


"Hello!" I call again but still no response.

Where the hell am I!?


"I should've killed you when I had the chance." I hiss as the king and I circle each other.

"But you didn't-

"I am an angel. I mustn't kill unless your soul isn't pure which now- it isn't." I hiss then yank out my silver sword and lunge.

He blocks my blow and I duck as he swings at my head.

"You're moves have grown choppy." He says and I laugh.

"And you have weakened!"


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