Chapter 14:

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Another yawn over takes me and I shake my head to stay awake. I look over at Julian and huff jealous that he's sleeping and I'm looking at this damn information for his father. I move and hear a crumble. I reach into my back pocket and grab the piece of paper. Dang, I forgot I had this. I uncrumble it and flatten it against my leg. The symbols look back at me and I try to desyfor it. I took a hieroglyphics class for three years, I should know this. But, these symbols are none like I've ever seen before. I trace my finger over them then crawl onto the bed and grab my computer and taking it back down to the big comfy chair. I sit criss crossed in it and boot up the computer. I search hieroglyphics and click enter searching them all but finding none in which would explain these symbols. I type in old ancient hieroglyphics and still, nothing.

"What else could you guys be called?" I mumble to myself. My phone dings and I reach into my bag to grab it.

Translation Done

Is scrolled across the screen. I log in then click on the pop up.

What would be translating?

The page comes up and a picture of a mirror with strange symbols around it appears.

Translation Done Please Click Enter

I click enter on my phone zooming in as the symbols from around the mirror appear and below words start to appear.

I grab the sheet of paper from in the book and notice they are all the same symbols accept for the last one.

I put the paper down and turn back to my phone, my jaw dropping at what I see.

Only thing around this corner is Death, run before it's too late.

Where did these inscriptions come from, why does this mirror seem so familiar somehow in the back of my mind? I snap a picture of the paper in my hand and click translate. In a few seconds the same beginning is written-

Only thing around this corner is death......

Dots are all that appear after that as the other symbols are translated.

Slowly the other words start to appear.











You're NOT SAFE!

Red eyes appear on the screen next and claws as sharp as razors.

I drop my phone to the ground panicked. I jump from the bed and hit the lamp off of the desk.

Julain jerks up in the bed and looks over at me wide eyed.


"Where was I last night!?"

"In this bed-

"Don't you lie to me! Where was I!?" I shout backing away from him.

"Serena calm down your exhausted you're not thinking straight."

"Oh I'm thinking perfectly straight! Where was I!?" I shout showing him my phone knowing the red eyes are staring down at him.

"You probably looked that up without meaning to."

"Why are you lying to me! Explain this then! Where was this mirror!?" I shout showing him the picture of the mirror.

"Serena you-

"Where was this mirror! There has been this obnoxious buzz in the back of my mind all day long! I wasn't here last night was I? That guy downstairs wasn't just crazy- he knew exactly who I was! I told him I was going to check on my family as an excuse for leaving the hotel so early! It makes perfect sense! Was I not here last night?"

"Yes, Serena you were." He says and I shake my head trying to think back to last night.

Why can I not remember anything!?

"Why can't I remember being here then!?"

"You were tired- you were completely out of it."

"That wouldn't make me forget! What did you do to me!? Where was I!?"

"You were in the hotel all night."

"Why are you lying to me!?" I shout caching sight of the mirror in the corner of the room. I walk over to it and look into it. I blink my eyes as an image appears before me.

"What is this?" I ask skimming my finger over it. I hear drips and clicks then I light flashes on. A girl appears and when I look closer I see that it's me.

"What is thi-

"Serena nothing's even there what are you looking at?" Julian asks from directly behind me.

"Me." I mutter catching sight of the light shining on a mirror the symbols around it.

"It's the mirror from the picture." I say looking into the main mirror from the beginning instead of the one I'm seeing now.

"Serena what are you talking about?"

I shut my eyes trying to think back grab any little detail I can find and just barely in the back of my mind, I grab hold of a picture and bring it to the surface. My eyes snap open and the image infront of me vanishes and I spin to face Julian.

"We went to the ranch yesterday, I fell in this huge hole, there was a door, but you pulled me back out. I snuck out of the hotel at one a.m. telling the guy at the front desk that I was going to spend time with my family, I was in all black but a gray tank top and a brown bookbag, I went to the ranch that night and found the hole, I fell against something and the wall gave, I found myself in a hallway and I kept walking, I reached a tunnel and I stepped through, I heard water dripping down the walls but when I placed my hand against it it was blood, the ground below me gave out and-

"Serena you're hallucinating-

"And I fell into a huge pool of blood, I waded through it and soon made it to the end. There was another door and I pushed through it. On the other side it was murdered animals hanging from the ceilings and walls, I found a mirror in the back and stepped through-

"Serena you need to lay down."

"No! I remember everything! I found the place and there were these women and this this creature-

"What else was there?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I- I don't know." I say suddenly feeling lightheaded. I start to sway and as I'm about to hit the ground arms wrap around me.

"She said run-

"Serena! Serena!"


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