Chapter 10:

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I stand there in shock watching him walk farther away.

What is up with his mood swings? I don't understand.

I watch him exit the trail before I decide to start heading that way too. I make it about two feet infront of the exit when I hear a snap behind me. I come to a stop then slowly turn around.

"Hello!?" I call as another snap sounds to my right. I spin that way to but find nothing.

What on earth?

"Serena! Are you coming!?" I turn back towards the exit and walk out finding Julian leaning against the car.

"Chill, I was enjoying the beauty."

"They were trees."

"Everything's beautiful in its own way." I spit then climb into the car and start it up. Julian gets in beside me and I drive off.


"This place is totally abandoned." I say unbuckling my belt and pushing open the door.

"Maybe we shouldn't get out." Julian says and I look over my shoulder at him.

"Oh relax! You want answers don't you?" I ask and he clenches his jaw as I jump from the car my feet hitting the mushy ground below me.

"Ew." I mumble but continue to walk.

"Serena that's far enough!" He exclaims from the car and I turn to face him continuing to walk backwards.

"Oh please, what's the worse that could happen?" I ask continuing to walk.

"Serena please!"

"I'm fi-" my words get cut off as my heel hits something that causes me to trip. I fall backwards but instead of hitting the ground, I continue to fall down deeper and deeper. I shriek as I go and once I hit the ground all air is thrown out of me.

"Serena!" I look up finding Julian above me looking through the huge hole I just fell down.

"I'm fine." I mumble rolling onto my side and moving into a sitting position.

"I'm going to go grab a rope." He says and I wave him off standing up and looking around. I grab my book bag off of my shoulders and dig through it smiling when I find a flashlight. I click it on and shine the light around the room.

"What's down there!?" He calls but I ignore him as I see a door looking thing.

"A door!" I call walking towards it.

"Well don't go into it! Who knows what's on the other side!" He shouts but I just roll my eyes and bite down onto my flashlight using my hands to maneuver the door looking for anything I can push.

"Serena stop it!" He exclaims and I sigh turning to face him. He throws a rope down and I grab onto it.

"Tie it around your waist and I'll pull you up."

I do as he says then grab my book bag and put it over my shoulders.

"Is it tied?" He asks and I hold a thumb up and reach up with my other hand to grab the flashlight out of my mouth and drop it in the book bag.

"Alright- pull me up!" I call grabbing onto the rope and putting one foot against the wall.

"Alright, here it goes!" He calls then in an instant I'm being pulled into the air my feet walking up the wall of the hole to help him out. Minutes pass until I reach the top. I put my hands against the dirt and he grabs the straps of my bag to pull me out. He leans back and pulls me up which as soon as he gets me through the hole I land on top of him with a huff as he hits the mushy ground below us.

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