Chapter 12:

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We reach an exit and I gasp for air as he pushes me out from behind.

"Are you ok?" He asks me and I jump up and spin on him.

"Answers now!" I shout just as the revving of engines sound.

"Yeah, now's not the time!" He exclaims and grabs hold of my arm and runs me towards the car I brought with me. I get in the passengers seat and he gets in the drivers side. Then in an instant slams on the gas and we are off.

"Why are you going so fast!?" I shout but he ignores me.


"Just hush!" He shouts and I snap my lips shut.

Wait blood. There was blood all over me.

I look down and find my shirt and pants dry and blood free.

What the hell?

"What were you thinking!?" He exclaims slowing down randomly.

"I just wanted-

"Answers for you're story I got it! But you could've died!"

"How'd you find me?" I ask but he shakes his head continuing to drive.


Two hours later we are back at the hotel and Julain stops the car and unbuckles his seatbelt.

"You said you'd give me answers." I say locking the door.

"You'd never believe me."

"Try me." I mutter but he just gets out of the car and heads towards the hotel.

What the hell happened at that place? And what was it?

I climb out of the car and follow him in.

"Oh hows your family?" Front desk guy asks and I give him a small smile.

"They're ok, we're all coping very well. I say looking around and finding Julian nowhere in sight. Huh, must've missed him.

I give the guy another smile then walk down the hall.


After hours of arguing I finally got her to go to sleep. She's been out for ten minutes so I put my hand to her forehead and sigh.

"I'm sorry, but you know too much Serena, you've seen to much. They'll stop at nothing now, to kill you. The only way I can protect you is to make you forget." I whisper and she moans.

"I'm sorry." I mutter then shut my eyes.

"Forget this day. Forget all that you've seen, heard, and smelt. Forget about the hole you fell through and everything inbetween. Forget going back tonight to hunt for answers. Forget the women you saw and the pain you felt. For only that will set you free." The words fall from my mouth and I feel the air shift as the spell is cast.

"Oh master- let her forget." I say then the air snaps back into place and the light shines through the window. I quickly remove my hand as she rolls and opens her eyes.

"Morning." I mumble and she sits up.

"Oh my word! Why do I have such an awful headache?" She asks sitting up to grab water.

She walks into the bathroom and I look out the window.

They won't stop coming for her but atleast she doesn't remember anything that she saw happen last night. Atleast she's safer.


"Hey so I was wondering, do you wanna head over to the ranch today to see if we can find any clues on your father's disappearance?" I ask sitting back down beside him.

"Actually I hope you don't mind but I did some snooping in the library earlier while you were still asleep and found out some stuff. It gives all the Intel of the ranch, like I don't feel like we need to go."

"Oh well I wanna check it out anyways." I say

"First look at this stuff then we will think about it."

"Fine." I mutter then stand back up.

"Well I'm hungry I'm heading down to get some food."

"Alright." He says and I nod then leave the room.

Why would he not want to go to the ranch? That's strange.

I shrug and walk out smiling at the guy at the front desk. I don't recognize this man though. Guess the old pervert took a day off.

"Hello Miss feeling better?"

"Uh what do you mean?"

"Oh, you don't have to act tough around me. I know losing you're brother must've been hard."

"Um excuse me?"

Damn this guy is off his rocker...

"Last night you came down around one a.m and were so very upset."

"I think you may be mistaking me for someone else." I say

"No no it was you you were so sad you were gone for hours! I know it's hard but you don't have to pretend to be strong."

"I'm not." I say raising an eyebrow.

"Bring it in." I give him an awkward hug and he releases me.

"You're brother is in heaven now, he's happier and safer."

"Thanks." I mumble then step back and head to the mini cafeteria.

What the hell was wrong with that man? My brother died years ago, not suddenly.. Yet for some reason I'm having this feeling of dejavu.. How strange?

I shake my head and just go back to my original job: make plates of food.


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