Chapter 17:

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After hours of arguing I agreed to stay here with Julian. He's right, at this point he is my safest bet. Plus, I looked up flights out of Utah and, none exist for atleast three weeks.

"So Mr. Guardian. What's the plan?"

"We keep you safe and end this race forever."

"And if we fail?"

"My first priority is to keep you safe, if that means losing to the demons then so be it."

"Why are they suddenly attacking?"

"Because your father and mother were blood bound to my father and mother who happened to be the people that killed the first ruler of demons way back when- both of our families were alive in BC."

"My mom was only 34 when I was twelve she could not have been back in BC-

"Remember my father?"

"Guess so." I mumble then something else enters my mind..

"Wait the fire- does that have to do with it?"


"The one that took my parents lives."

"Possibly, if it was random it most likely was."

"Why? What does my family have to do with this?"

"Just like my father, your parents fought against these demons. But, they didn't know they existed at first, until they tried to attack you- their first born."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm a guardian- I know mostly everything. I knew about the blood bond before I showed you."

"Why'd you bring me here in the first place?"

"Because you needed a story remember? You wanted this job so bad and I wanted revenge. I knew they would've attacked at some point at your home anyways- figured here would be good with answers for you, and getting me closer to getting back at the demons."

"Wait, remember I told you someone was in my house that night you appeared-

"Yes, it was a demon."

"How'd you know?"

"The first day I saw you a bond was made between us, I knew you were the one I was to guard so I found your home. When you said you thought someone was in your house we checked it out and he wasn't there anymore. He knew I was there so he was scared off. Demons on a solo job usually don't want to be caught by guardians."

"How many are there of you?"

"Over a thousand."

"Do you guys have wings?"

"No, we aren't guardian angels we are just guardians. We protect the humans that have been caught in a blood bound battle and stand against the demons as a unit."

"I'm still lost as into why you brought me here."

"It was once again, the only way I could stay close to you and protect you in this battle, that you were sadly dragged into."

"Why me?"

"It's happened to others before. The battle of good and evil has always lived in this world. You are just the next victim, but since your family is blood bound to mine from BC they definitely want you dead considering since you have guardian blood in you- you could defeat them with one touch if you were to grow into the power you posses."

"I possess power?"

"Not exactly, you possess a gift."

"A gift?"

"Yes, when the power you would usually have as a guardian is awoken in you, you could kill a demon with a touch. You'll never have powers exactly but you will posses that one gift which is more powerful then any power."

"So I have this gift to kill demons with a touch?"

"Only if you grow into it."

"So there's a possibility I won't?"


"Oh so now I'm back to- you brought me to a death zone." I say and he lets out a small laugh.

"The best stories come from an area of fear." He says and I nod.

That usually is true..

I turn to my computer and click it on. I'm almost done with the story.

"Ok." I say looking over at him.

"I will keep you safe- I promise."

"I trust you."


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