Chapter 22:

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"Serena!" I shout continuing to run.

What the hell is going on!?


The necklace shines bright as I come to the front of a rock and I pause.

I hear groans and growls from behind me and doubting I'm going to like what I see, I spin around catching sight as demons move towards me.





I look up and squint a small amount of light coming through as I hear my name.

"Julian!" I shout

I jump up to my feet looking around for any way of me to get up there.

Suddenly something sounds from behind me and I freeze. With panic in my heart I turn around and a scream leaves my throat.

"Serena!" I shout as the scream from below is heard.

I look back and see the demons are getting closer.

"Damn this better work." I open up the necklace and chuck it at them. Light shines bright from it and they all shreik in pain and shock.

This won't last that long!

I spin to the rock and start shoving at it. I hear a click and the rock gives.

"Serena!" I shout and taking no time to even think I jump in holding onto the top of the rock and yanking it down as I go when I hear it click back into place I let go and fall landing and rolling hard.



"You're weak." I spit shoving my sword at him. He kicks me hard and I fly back hitting the ground hard.

"No, you are." He spits and lunges at me. I twist and shove the sword against his throat.

"You can kill me my dear- but your daughter will never see this world again."

"What have you done!?" I shout pressing it tighter against his throat.

"Say goodbye Anastasia- for it is the last one you'll ever hear."

"What have you done to my daughter!?" I shout

His immortality is nothing against the sword of an angel warrior, nothing! I could kill him in an instant but my daughter- my poor baby girl.

"What has happened to her!?" I shout and he laughs

"We were in this same position the night I tried to touch your dear Serena. She was only 3, yet I knew just as much as you, that she was special."

"You are not that man, you are a monster. I had one slit and you would've died. This time I will not make the mistake at letting you go." I hiss

"You're daughter will die alongside with me."

"Why!?" I shout shoving him hard against the tree and ramming my elbow into his chest the sword only one slit from ending his life.

"My son, dear old boy, he loves her, yet he hasn't bound himself to her yet. She's still mine- she's still under my blood bind until Julian seals it. You slit my throat my dear- you slit your daughter's throat."

"How do you know Julian hasn't already bound her to him."

"Because, I still feel her beating heart half in my chest." He hisses

"He knows now, you're done. He will bind himself to her, for now, he knows the truth."

"You don't know my boy as well as I do. He has no clue he's the only one who can save her."

"I have a pretty damn clear idea, he does." I hiss holding the blade tighter against him.

"Even if he does- he'll never find her in time."

"In time for what?"

"The end."

He stabs a knife into my side and I cough falling too one knee.

"Still as pathetic! So easy to get your mind off of battle. Your baby, your baby girl! Oh my!" He shouts kicking me hard. I fly backwards and hit the ground blood seeping through my clothes.


"Serena!" Silence passes as I contiue to run down the windy hallway.


I hear banging and I run down the sound.

"Help me!" I freeze at her voice as it comes from all around.


"In here!" She calls the voice bouncing off all the walls.

A light flicks on and I freeze looking all around.


All their mouthes open as they scream my name.

"Mirrors." I hiss looking all around.


One wrong move, she could die. If I choose the wrong one she will die.


"You thought it would be that easy to kill me! Just hold your sword to my throat? Ha!"

I smirk shaking my head and pushing up to my feet weakly.

"You'll never win! He has found my daughter."

"No, he's found a meer image of your daughter."

"The glass of shattered life." I say and he smirks.

"Very good, my little angel."


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