Chapter 16 (3 Months Later)

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It has been three months ever since. First we told Karen, Jess, and Phil since we were in Gloucester at the time. Then we flew back to L.A and told everyone else. Ashton was a little pissed off but he was okay with it because he was going to be an uncle. I am now currently 4 months pregnant. We told the fans on Twitter that we were dating and expecting. Obviously, there were some haters and some who were happy. Today, me, Nareesha, Kelsey, Kayleigh, and Ashley were going to go to the mall to buy some baby things. Me and Nathan ended up getting a place and we painted the baby room a cream color. We bought some blankets and some clothes. Ashley and Kayleigh went in one car, and me, Reesh, and Kels went into another car. I was in the passenger, Nareesha was driving, and Kelsey was in the back behind Nareesha. We were talking and laughing then we stopped at a stoplight. When the light turned green, Nareesha began to drive. Then a car came out of no where on my side and all I felt was pain shoot up my side.

Nathan's POV

Kat was out with the girls, as I invited all the guys at mine.

"So mate, you excited for Baby Sloth?" Jay asked.

"Yea, I am. I'm just a little scared," I admitted.

"Scared about what?" Calum asked.

"Fatherhood. What if I turn out to be a shit of a father?" I said.

"Nathan, being a father isn't going to be easy. There will be many sleepless nights, many diaper changes, and a lot of stress. But then you have beautiful little miracle right there calling you, no one else, YOU daddy," Siva said and I smiled and thought about it.

"Your right Seev," I said. We were watching a football match when I got a call from the hospital.

H: Hello? Is this Mr. Nathan Sykes?

N: Yes this is.

H: There has been an accident regarding Ms. Kelsey Hardwick, Ms. Nareesha McCaffrey, and Ms. Katerina Irwin

N: A-are they o-okay?

H: Ms. Hardwick and Ms. McCaffrey are free to go. They just have a few scratches. However, Ms. Irwin was more affected since the impact was on her side.

N: Okay, we'll be there

I hung up and looked at the guys. "Hospital... Now!" I yelled as we all left in cars. We got to the hospital and went to the reception.

"Katerina Irwin," Ashton said.

"Room 263," the receptionist said. We got to the second floor and we saw Kelsey, Nareesha, Kayleigh, and Ashley. Tom and Siva looked so relieved that their girlfriends are okay but I'm a little nervous because both my girlfriend and my child are in the hospital. The doctor came and walked toward all of us.

"Ms. Irwin is passed out right now. Do not worry she will be fine. Umm, Mr. Sykes, you are the father of the baby, am I correct?" He asked as I nodded. "Can we talk in private?" He asked as I nodded and I followed him to outside of Kat's room. "Mr. Sykes, I'm afraid to tell you that," I cut him off.

"Please tell me this isn't what I think it is," I begged.

"I'm sorry Mr. Sykes. But Ms. Irwin had a miscarriage. I'm truly deeply sorry for your loss," he said and walked away. I walked in the room to find Kat asleep. I walked to the side of her and sat down and held her hand. I lost it there. I started crying my eyes out. I put my face in my hands and cried. Babba is gone and I can't help but feel that half of this is my fault. I heard a small voice say,

"Nathan, what happened? Is Babba okay?" This broke my heart because I would have to explain.

Kat's POV

"Kat," he started.

"Babe, please tell me babba is okay. Where is babba?!," I begged and yelled. "I CANT FEEL BABBA IN MY STOMACH!" I yelled.

"You had a miscarriage babe," he said. I grabbed the sheets and cried. I covered my mouth with my hand. Nathan sat next to me and put his arms around me. My babba is gone and this is the worst feeling in the world. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed.

"It's my fault Nathan... My fault," I cried.

"Shhh... Baby, it's not your fault," he said in a soothing voice. The doctor came in.

"Miss. Irwin, you are free to leave. I know you're going through a rough time right now. But the baby was going to be a baby girl. I'm sorry," he said and left. I cried harder. I was going to have a baby girl. A little princess, but now she was ripped away from me. I feel like  shit now, and all I wanted was to hold my baby girl for once. I wanted to hear her first word, her first steps, her first day of school, her first boyfriend, but I can't anymore. All I wanted was that, is that so hard to ask?

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