Chapter 26

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Kat's POV

I woke up and saw Harry next to me. He was holding onto my shirt with his dear life like he was scared. He was shaking and there was tears on his cheeks.

"Harry, Harry get up," I said softly while shaking him. He woke up and once he saw me he hugged me as tightly as he could. "You okay buddy?" I asked him.

"I-I thought h-he killed you," he cried. I looked him in the eyes.

"Who?" I asked.

"Nothing never mind. I'm hungry," and he walked out the the room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana.

Later That Day

Me, Ashton, and Harry were in Ashton's room watching a movie, when we heard the front door slam. I heard two people yelling at eachother who I am guessing is mom and Bill. Harry ran out the door to where they are at.

"HARRY!" Me and and Ashton yelled as we ran out to follow him. I could tell Bill slapped mom because she was on the floor clutching her cheek crying while Harry is standing in front of her trying to protect her. Ashton went to help mom as i stood there shocked. Then I saw Bill going close to Harry so I ran in front of Harry so he wouldn't get hurt. I felt a fist connect with my face. Then several kicks to my stomach. Harry is crying saying stop.

"Harry, get mom to my room," Ashton said and he nodded and held mom by her hand and guided her to Ashton's room. Bill is still hitting, kicking, and scratching me. Ashton tackled him punched him a few times till Bill for up and left the house. Ashton helped me up and I stood up, I got a little dizzy but Ashton stood by my side holding onto my side. We went to the bathroom and I saw that my left cheek was turning purple, blood on my lip and underneath my right eye. Ashton cleaned my face and it burned.

"I'll call Nathan for you to tell him about you wounds," Ashton said and I nodded and thanked him. I went to Ashton's room to go see if Harry is okay. Mom was asleep and once Harry saw me, he ran to me and hugged me. I heard him crying a little. I kneeled down to his height.

"Hey, hey. Look I'm fine. Your fine, and Ashton's fine," I said to him. I realized something. "Harry, when you told me this morning that he killed me, were you talking about Bill?" I questioned. "Harry, I need you to be 100% honest. Can you do that for me?" I asked him as he nodded. "Has Bill ever hit you or physically abuse you?" I questioned looking at him right in the eyes. He cried even more and nodded. I pulled him to me and he wrapped his arms around my neck as I held him.
"Shhhh, I promise he won't hurt you," I said to him. I thought of something. "Harry, what if you left with me and Ashton to L.A? Would you want to?" I asked him.

"B-but where would I live?" He asked looking confused.

"Well Ashton lives with his bandmates, and Ashley lives with them too. So they are really noisy so what about with me. I only live with Nathan. What do you say?" I asked him.

"What about mom?" He asked.

"We'll ask her. But she might want to stay here," I told him. Right then, mom woke up.

"Mom, would you want to go to L.A?" I questioned her.

"Are you kidding me? L.A? Hell no," she said.

"Fine but I'm taking Harry with me," I told her.

"You are not taking my son from me Katerina!" She said.

"Like you give a damn about him!" I spat.

"I do! He's my son!" She yelled.

"Yea, then why do you let YOUR husband beat up YOUR son?!" I yelled getting to her face.

"Don't you dare take that tone with me! He is not going to go with you and your loser of a boyfriend!" She yelled.

"Don't you dare say that about him!" I yelled.

"Right I'm sorry about that. The loser in your relationship is you! You couldn't even have a child properly!" She smirked.

"DONT YOU EVER FUCKING TALK ABOUT MY DAUGHTER  LIKE THAT!" I yelled. I was going to jump on her, even if she is my mother, until Ashton came and dragged me out of that room and took me to Harry's room. Harry followed us. Once I calmed myself, I told Harry to pack.

"Harry, pack your things. You're leaving with me and Ashton. Right now," I said.

"I'll go call to see if we can get a private plane," Ashton said and I nodded. While Harry was packing, I called Nathan.

N: Kat? Kat? You okay?!

K: Yes Nathan. I'm fine

N: Ashton called me and told me and I was so wore-

K: Nathan, calm down. I'm okay. Umm, Harry is coming with us, and he's going to live with me and you. Is that fine with you?

N: Yea of course it is. Just hurry home. I miss you. I love you.

K: I miss you too. I love you too.

Then I hung up. Ashton came in the room and said if we want to catch the flight, we have to leave now. Time to go back home.

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