Chapter 5

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Kat's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I looked at the clock and saw it was 11 in the morning. Yay, Ashton is coming in 2 hours!
I got up and went downstairs to find Ashley sitting with asprin and water. I took the asprin and water. After about 10 minutes, I felt better.
"The guys are going to take us to the airport to get the other guys," Ashley said and I nodded. I went upstairs and got dressed. I got dressed in (outfit above). I thought since I'm hungover still, I'll wear black Ray-banz sunglasses and I'm only seeing my brother, I don't got to dress up. I put little makeup on, considering there will be paparazzi. Ashley did the same. After an hour of waiting, the boy's can came and picked us up. We said hi to everyone.

"Who the hell gave you, you, and you alcohol?" Nathan asked and pointed to me, Ariana, and Ashley.

"I got it from bartender," Ariana said.

"I got it from her," me and Ashley said and pointed to eachother.

"Okay maybe, we got it from Trey and Cody," I admitted.

"Obviously if we found you snogging some blond guy. Assuming Cody," Max said and pointed to Ashley.

"And knowing Trey is a awesome kisser by you!" Nathan laughed and pointed to me. Everyone started laughing.

"Oh shut up!" I laughed. We finally got to the airport and we all waited for the guys. I saw a guy with colored hair. MIKEY!!!! Me and Ashley ran to him. I hugged him first and then Ashley hugged him. They hugged for quite awhile. Okay. Moving on. Then, I saw my best friend ever!

"LUUKEE!" I yelled and ran to him. He dropped his bag and ran to me. I hugged him and he hugged me back, but was weird considering the height difference.

"OH MY GOD LUKE! You got a lip piercing!" I pointed out. He nodded.

"Mate, can I hug my sister now?" I heard some say. I saw Calum say that to Michael because him and Ashley were still hugging. Ashley ran to Calum and hugged him. I finally saw Ashton and he saw me and ran to me and picked me up and hugged and spun me around. I hugged him back. I started crying a little.

"Aww, why are you crying?" Ashton asked as he felt tears on his shirt. Thank gosh for sunglasses.

"Because I get to see you! I missed you," I said.

"I missed you two baby sis," he said. We walked to the guys.

"So these are the guys that have made sure you guys haven't got drunk?" Calum asked.

"Well," Max and Nathan started. Me and Ashley glared at them.

"They have been good girls," Max smiled.

"Angels," Nathan smiled.

"Anyway, you four are staying with us," Ashley said, and they nodded. We all got into the van and we all got to our house. Ashton, Michael, Luke, Calum, Max, Siva, Jay, Tom, and Nathan went to the store to get some food for later.

"I have been thinking about getting a tattoo," Ariana said.

"Seriously?" Nareesha asked and she nodded.

"I am so not getting one," Ashley said.

"Same," Kelsey said.

"Agreed," Nareesha said.

"Kat?" Ariana asked.

I thought for a moment. "Yea, we should," I said.

"Are you serious? Ashton is going to kill you," Ashley said.

"He has to learn that I'm growing up," I said.

"Let's go tomorrow at noon," Ariana said and I nodded. I'm so excited for this!

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