Chapter 31

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Kat's POV

Luke came back shortly with pints of ice cream. He gave me cookie dough, Ashley got strawberry, Calum got chocolate, Luke got birthday cake, and he got Ashton cookies and cream. Ashton finally came. He sat next to me and kissed my forehead. We watched funny movies and ate ice cream. I loved this moment. Me sitting here with my brother and and my 3 best friends.

The Next Day

I woke up from last night. Ashton was awake so I had to talk to him.

"Ash, can me and Harry stay here for a while? Until I get a new place?" I asked him.

"Of course you can K. You both are family," Ashton said.

"Okay, I'm going to pick up Harry then I'll be back," I told him and he nodded. I changed, did my hair, and makeup. I took my car and drove over to now Nathan's place. Before I left I "borrowed" some of Ashley. And when I say borrow, I mean loan. And when I say loan I mean steal. I didn't think that chick had some short tops or heels. Hmmm, maybe I should snoop into her closet more often. I parked in the drive way and walked in. The place was a mess. I walked upstairs to where my stuff was and Nathan was asleep. I grabbed a bag and stuffed clothes in it. I think I was making to much noise cause Nathan woke up.

"Kat?" He asked. I just ignored him. "Why do you look like-" I cut him off.

"Why is my outfit cute? That's cause I have a date right now," I said. Okay, I might have lied. A little. If you consider Netflix as my date.

"Already?! I mean we broke up yesterday," he said.

"Yea, well. Oh well. Maybe you should go back with Ariana. I mean, I know you have always loved her," I smirked at him. He got up.

"Oh my gosh. I don't want Ariana, I want you!" He said. I ignored him and continued packing. "I'm sorry okay. I never meant it. I was just pissed at then time," he said.

"That doesn't give you the right to compare me with some bitch. Who was there when you got your heart broken by her?! Huh? Who helped you?! Who was there telling you that you deserve better?! It was me Nath! Me! But obviously you can't see it. Bye Nathan," I told him and took my bags with some things. I also had to take Harry's stuff too. I'm not that strong or tall. I fit the bags in my trunk and I was going to open my car door when Nathan ran out and closed the door.

"Nathan what are you do-" he cut me off with his lips pressed against mine. I was so lost in the moment that I started kissing him back. Then I finally came into reality and pushed him away. "You cannot just do that whenever. We're done Nath," I told him.

"If we were really done then why did you kiss back?" He questioned as I stood quiet. "Because you still love me. Don't deny it. I will call you mine again. I don't care how long it takes. I will," he told me. I went back in the car and drove off. I drove like two houses away to Siva and Nareesha's to get Harry. I knocked on the door and Nareesha answered with Harry next to her.

"Bye Uncle Seev! Bye Auntie Ressh!" Harry said as kissing Nareesha's cheek.

"Bye," Seev said as he walked to the doorframe. I hugged Harry and he held me tight.

"Why don't you wait in the car real fast. I need to talk to them real quick," I told Harry as he nodded.

"You look nice," Nareesha said.

"Thanks. I got a date," I smiled. Nareesha and Siva looked at eachother weirdly.

"You and Baby Nath going out to eat?" Siva asked.

"Hell to the no! So done with that. I'm talking about Netflix," I said. They looked shocked.

"Wait you two aren't together? Since when?" Nareesha asked.

"Since yesterday. I gotta go. Thanks for watching him," I said and gave them hugs and kisses on their cheeks. I got back in the car and buckled up.

"Sissy, why do you look like that?" Harry asked.

"Just trying a new look. Do I look pretty?" I asked while laughing.

"You always do. Are we going to see Nathan?" He asked while sounding happy. My heart sunk. They got along really well.

"Umm. Not for a while buddy. You know how I said when two people love eachother very much they stay together?" I asked and he said 'yes'. "Well, you see sometimes people don't stay together forever. That's what happened to me and Nathan bud," I told him.

"But Nathan is cool. It was like you were my new mommy and he was my new daddy," he cried.

"Aww buddy. I still love you. And I'm pretty sure Nathan misses you," I told him.

"When you were out, he kept saying how much he loved you. He even said he loved me. He thought of me as a son," he said. We finally reached Ashton's and I stopped the car. I turned around looked at Harry.

"If you want, I'll let you still see Nathan. Every other day and weekend okay?" I told him and he looked happy.

"Can we go to the beach? All three of us?" He asked.

"Uggh I-" I got cut off.

"Pleeeease?!" He cried.

"Okay fine. Let's go inside," I told him. We walked inside and everyone was there except Mikey. Harry went to Ashton and hugged him. Harry hugged everyone then sat down.

"Kat? IS THAT MY CLOTHES?!!" Ashley yelled.

"Yea they are. Sorry. I had to wear something cute. So I went through your closet and found this. How come you never showed me?" I asked her.

"Cause I know you would steal them," she laughed. I pulled her aside.

"Where is he?" I asked her.

"He came back 10 minutes ago and went to this room," she said.

"Give me 5 minutes with him," I told her. "Guys, can you get the bags from my trunk please?" I asked and Calum, Luke and Ashton got up and nodded. "Thank you," I said. "Stay with him," I told Ashley as I pointed at Harry. I went upstairs and went to Michael's room. I opened the door and I saw him lying down with his head phones in. I grabbed his phone and disconnected it. He shot up.

"What was that for?!" He yelled.

"You need to make it right," I told him.

"Kat, you don't understand. I can't do a long distance relationship," he said.

"You can work it out. The last relationship didn't work out because she was a whore from the start. I guarantee you that Ashley won't cheat. Guarantee!" I told him.

"You only say that cause your in a happy relationship," he said.

"No I'm not. And I'm not going to let my best friend be heart broken because her boyfriend can't take risks! If one of us is going to be hurt, I would rather have it be me. Just please make it right. She deserves to be happy. If anyone in the world deserves happiness, it's her. And she needs the support to go to New York," I told him. "Just think about it," I said and left . I went downstairs and kicked off the shoes and sat with Ashley and Harry.

"Ash, can we talk?" Michael asked as he came downstairs. She nodded and got up. She looked back at me and I winked and smiled at her.

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