Samuel comes strolling into class a few minutes late, and hands Mr. Wong a note. I haven't spoken to him since he recited my entire life's story. And I still don't.

But he's coming my way.

He takes the seat next to me, which irritates me. Of all the free seats in class, why does he have to sit by me?

"There's another open seat in the front of the class," I point out.

"What's wrong with this one?" He asks.

I don't want to be rude and tell him I don't want him sitting next to me. Besides, the smirk on his face tells me he's already gotten the hint. Just like it tells me he sat next to me on purpose.

Mr. Wong gives us an assignment to do as a pair. And because Samuel is sitting next to me, we must work together.

I'd rather work with Jasmine.

"Looks like it's just you and me," Samuel smiles.

"Don't remind me," I roll my eyes.

"I didn't mean to upset you the other day. It's just... sometimes when I'm trying to impress a girl, I end up doing something stupid."

"Like announcing my inner most private moments to the world. Great job... loser."

"So, you can forgive Sebastian, but you can't forgive a brief moment of poor judgment?"

"What do you want from me?" I ask him.

"Why do you think I want something from you?" He frowns.

"Because every guy does. And I don't trust guys. Especially guys like you. Anyone who makes it a point to dig into your life without asking is untrustworthy."

"What does it matter if you have nothing to hide?"

"Everyone has a smudge in their life they don't want to relive," I glare at him.

Turning my attention to Mr. Wong, who's passing out a sheet of paper, I wait for him to hand me one. It's a worksheet for whatever we're doing in class.

"I hear Sebastian invited you to our party," Samuel studies me with those mischievous eyes of his.

"Yeah... so?" I shrug.

"So, I'm wondering why a girl who could care less about us Covington boys accepted such a ballsy invitation."

Turning to stare him in the face, I tell him, "Tessa and Anna."

"What?" He frowns.

"I accepted the invitation because I knew they'd want to go. I may think you and Sebastian suck, but they don't. Only, they seem to think you Covington boys can give them instant popularity. Which is why I invited Jasmine Beck and her friends too."

"I don't get it. Jasmine hates you. Why would you invite her?" He asks.

"As a peace offering," I answer.

"Hm. Self-sacrificing... that's sexy."

Samuel's an idiot.

A very appealing, rude, and obnoxious idiot. But again, my smile betrays me.

"Give me the assignment," he reaches for it.

"It's not done."

"I know, just give it here."

I slide the assignment over to him, and he starts jotting down answers. But not once do I see him read the questions.

"I am not about to get an F because you're more focused on me than you are the assignment," I scolded him. Snatching the paper from his hands.

I'm about to erase his answers when I notice they're all right.

How the hell did he do that?

He must have taken this class before. Or knowing him, he probably stole the answer sheet.

"I'm a fast learner," Samuel shrugs.

"You didn't even read the questions. I saw you. How did you do that?" I ask.

"Or maybe I did read them, and you just didn't notice. You're not the only genius at this school, Angelique."

He's smiling, but the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. It isn't what he said. It's the way he said it. He's testing me, but I don't know why.

"My apologies."

"Apology accepted," he nods. Seemingly satisfied with my response.

Samuel is a conundrum. He piques my interest because I can't figure him out. But there's one thing I'm certain of... his interest in me has nothing to do with him liking me.

He's after something else.

When the Academic club lets out, Tessa is waiting for me outside the door. And we walk to my locker to grab some books.

"What were you and Samuel talking about during fifth period?" She asks.

"Nothing," I shrug. "He apologized to me for prying into my personal business."

"You've caught the eye of two Covington boys...? That's so unfair."

"I don't have two of anything. I really wish you would stop saying that."

"Denial usually means you like one of them," she insists. "Which one is it?"

"I don't like either of them," I sigh.

We walk to the parking lot where I catch up with Anna and Alex who are already waiting for me. Not too far away, Sebastian and his friends stand goofing off outside their cars.

I wave to him as we drive out of the parking lot, but he doesn't wave back.

I guess he's back to ignoring me.

When we get home, I help Aunt Sarah clean up the house. Then I crack open my books to work on my homework. By the time I'm done, it's time for dinner.

I used to help Deborah cook all the time.

We have bible study in the living room after dinner, and then I head up to my room to get ready for bed. Meanwhile, Anna keeps begging me for details on Sebastian like I'm hiding something from her. But I'm not. She finally gives up around ten and heads to her room.

That night, I have another nightmare and I wake up in a cold sweat. It takes me an hour to fall asleep again, and when I wake up the next day, I feel sluggish.

At school the next day, periods one through four are a blur. Then lunchtime comes around, and I'm walking over to my friends when Sebastian calls me to his table instead. The entire cafeteria holds a collective breath. Waiting to see what I'm going to do. And I am now the center of attention.

I don't want to go over there alone, though. So, I asked Anna and Tessa to come with me.

"Hey," I smile. Nervously walking up to him.

"Hey," he smiles back.

I look around at his friends, and they all look like they want me to leave. Making me feel like I might be crashing in on something.

Like their exclusive clique. 

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