Chapter 59.

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*Unedited lol


"How is my soon-to-be family doing this evening?" Ekow asks, as the Nelsons walk into the dining room, where my parents and I were already seated.

Since our wedding is in three days, our families decided to have a celebratory feast for the upcoming occasion, as well as discuss any last minute plans. The dining room had been a bit decorated earlier with some gold and blue balloons, white tulips, and two portraits of Afia and I from a photoshoot that we were forced to partake in.

I feel my body stiffen when I hear the voice of the alleged traitor. I spent all day thinking about what Maadwoa told me, and it's not that I didn't believe her; it's that I didn't want to believe her. The Nelsons aren't people I particularly trust, but I also don't want to believe that Mr. Nelson would have such evil intentions for his best friend.

I couldn't tell my parents about what Maadwoa said. First, I didn't know how to bring it up and secondly, they wouldn't have believed me, especially since they know I've been trying all I can to avoid this marriage. I just decided I'd let them come over and expose them here. The only way my parents will believe me is if they see it for themselves.

"Ah, look how wonderful you all look. This is royalty!" my dad hypes them, while everyone else chuckles. I give them a tight smile and a little wave upon seeing them.

"Come on, take your seats, family. We have a beautiful dinner planned." my mother beckons. They all smile as they make their way towards the table, the guards in the room pulling out the chairs for them. Just like Maadwoa said, Afia was holding a tote bag in her hands. No doubt, it had to contain the bottled drinks.

Afia takes a seat next to me, while her parents sit across from us and my parents are at each end of the table. She places the bag on the floor in front of her, before playing with the strands of her curly wig. Thankfully, she hasn't said anything to me yet thankfully, and I wasn't surprised. We haven't talked in a while and I think she's finally realizing that what we have is nothing but a business arrangement.

I look over at her with a fake smirk on my face, in the mood to make her sweat.

"Hey Afia. What you got there?" I whisper to her, gesturing to the bag. She looks over at me, looking almost stunned that I was talking to her.

"Just a couple drinks, Danny." she responds quietly, before she smiles back at me. "How have you been, Dannybear?"

I stop myself from rolling my eyes and respond.

"Just fine. You?"

"Peachy." she replies, with a sickly, sweet smile plastered on her face.

We can both play this game.

"Danny, how are you feeling? Are you ready to be a husband?" Afia's mother asks.

I cringe at the word and the thought of being a husband to her daughter.


"He's a big man. He's definitely ready." my father interjects, as usual.

Without even trying to argue, I nod in fake agreement.

"Yes, ma. It will be a big change, but I can definitely adjust."

I hear Afia scoff to herself and for once, I agree with her. I'm glad she knows that I just lied straight through my teeth.

"Well it's been a long day and I'm sure we're all hungry. How about we eat first and then we'll discuss the final details?" my mother suggests, to which everyone nods in agreement.

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