Jo: Uhh... Welll, she stopped by the other day and brought me something 20:28 

Jo: Do you want to see? 20:28 

Sierra nods 20:29 

Jo: Okay, but once I show you, you can't tell the others 20:29 

Jo gets up and heads down stairs 20:29 

Sierra gets up and follows Jo 20:31 

Jo goes over to her desk and motions to the gun Katy brought 20:32 

Jo: Katy found a small Capitol lab that made this 20:32 

Sierra looks at the gun 20:33 

Jo: It's a rough prototype, but if they get it to work we're all in big danger 20:33 

Sierra backs up from the gun 20:33 

Jo: I've already disarmed it, but I ran through calculations 20:33 

Jo: This isn't a regular gun 20:33 

Sierra raises an eyebrow 20:34 

Jo: It's... How do I explain this... If they were to get this to work, which they are a ways away from, but still, it's essentially a particle blaster 20:35 

Sierra blinks 20:36 

Jo: Do you know what that is? 20:36 

Gracie joined the chat 20:36 

Gracie: (Hey.) 20:36 

Jo: (Hey Gracie!) 20:36 

Sierra shrugs 20:36 

Jo: If you got hit full on while it's at full power, you would become a skeleton 20:37 

Sierra stares at the gun 20:37 

Sierra: (btw hi Gracie! lol) 20:37 

Jo: Like I said, they're a ways from getting the formula right 20:37 

Jo: But Katy and I plan on taking out that lab and destroying all the work they have on the gun 20:38 

Sierra nods 20:38 

Sierra hopes Katy and Jo will be okay 20:39 

Jo: You can't tell the others though 20:39 

Andrea joined the chat 20:39 

Sierra nods 20:39 

Andrea: (Gracie you look bored :P lol) 20:39 

Jo: Promise? 20:39 

Sierra nods again 20:40 

Gracie: (lol. A bit.) 20:40 

Jo: Okay. So that's why I'll be gone for a few days. You think the others will notice? 20:40 

Jo: Okay. So that's why I'll be gone for a few days. You think the others will notice? 20:40 

Sierra nods 20:41 

Jo: They will? 20:41 

Andrea walks downstairs 20:41 

Gracie walks downstairs too after checking in on Brendan and seeing that he's still resting and recovering from what Chris did to him. 20:41 

Gracie sees Andrea. "Hey! I haven't seen you in forever!" 20:42 

Sierra just keeps on nodding 20:42 

Jo: Dang 20:42 

Andrea looks at Gracie and grins "Hey! What's up?" 20:43 

Sierra writes 'I'm sure they won't worry too much. They'll think you're in the woods or doing your Jo thing' 20:43 

Jo: Good 20:44 

Gracie thinks about the question and sighs, going over to the couch in the living room and flopping down on it. "A lot of stuff actually." 20:44 

Andrea sits next to Gracie "Fill me in" 20:44 

Sierra nods 20:44 

Jo: I'll reprogram the system for your hideout. Do you want me to add anyone else's fingerprints? 20:46 

Sierra thinks and then shakes her head, she wants to keep the hideout a secret 20:46 

Jo: Okay. Ember may stop by from time to time. She seems to like you 20:47 

Jo goes to her computer and starts typing in some codes 20:47 

Sierra grins and writes 'I like Ember too' 20:47 

Jo: Really? I didn't think people would. She's usually either too quiet or too blunt 20:48 

Gracie shakes her head. "Derrick's been more of an asshole than usual and actually said things cruel enough to make me cry and slap him, but a few days ago he actually did something really nice and wrote me a letter apologizing for everything, so I forgave him. Then yesterday, my childhood friend, Brendan, came here and he and Chris are childhood enemies. Chris hit him across the face with his brass knuckles and I think Brendan's okay, but I'm still terrified of how it's going to be with them both living here now... To top it all off, I haven't seen much of David lately because he's always with Jack, trying to get him out of his depression..." 20:48 

Gracie curls up into a ball and wraps her arms around her legs. 20:49 

Sierra smiles and writes 'We played tag in the meadow' 20:49 

Andrea: Wow that is a lot. Okay so 1. I still have yet to see Derrick being a jerk, 2. Talia should learn to control her man and Brendan should keep on his toes. 3. Chris should calm down. 4. Where the hell is David? and 5. Awww pooor Jack and Chase and Sierra 20:51 

Andrea takes a breath 20:51 

Gracie giggles. 20:52 

Jo: She loves tag. Did you have fun? 20:52 

Jo finishes typing in the codes 20:52 

Jo runs a quick scan of the system 20:52 

Sierra grins and nods 20:53 

Gracie: Okay, 1. He's never that way around you, I guess. 2. Yes, yes she does and yes, yes he does. 3. Chris always needs to. 4. I don't really know. As long as he's not out with some girl, I guess I don't really care. 5. I know right? I've barely seen the three of them since the whole incident happened. 20:53 

Andrea laughs 20:54 

Jo: I'm glad! She'd love to play tag with you again I'm sure 20:54

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