Chapter 37: What If The Storm Ends?

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"Do you want to get in bed with me?" You blatantly asked, making him jolt forward and choke on his saliva.

"What did you say?" He spun around.

"I don't mean it that way. I just thought you needed some sleep since you've been overworking lately,"

"I've always been like that. Besides, I'm a man, I can't possibly share a bed with you,"

You blew your fringe in frustration.

"It doesn't matter. It's not like we've never shared a bed together before," you replied while recalling the times when the 15 year old Aizawa would cuddle you to sleep.

"Plus, I won't feel secure until you're an inch away from me," you added. Aizawa cocked a brow in irritation.

He couldn't deny the fact that he was exhausted and needed a shut-eye for he hadn't had a good one in months. Defeated , he let out a deep sigh and plummeted next to you where he drew a line with his finger to show a segregation.

"Do not cross over this line right here. Don't invade my space and I won't invade yours. Got it?" He said before turning around and having his back face you.

Your lips pursed as your eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Who did he think he was putting up a wall like that.

Minutes of silence passed as you continued to gaze at his body gloomily. Sharing the same sheets, being a few inches apart and feeling the left side of the bed sink under his weight made you feel a sea of emotions. It made you register fully that you were really on the same bed as your teacher, a grown man, Aizawa and not his younger self. Although you initiated it first, you realised how bad the idea was because your mind was beginning to paint obscene pictures. Your head pondered over the thought of how he would be like during sex. His fingers tracing and gliding over your (s/c) skin.

The cold rain didn't help to divert the thought away instead, it made you crave for his warmth even more.
Before you knew it, your hands unconsciously snaked under his arms and over his body where you pulled him into a hug from the back.

Aizawa's eyes shot open upon feeling your touch. Without turning, he spoke, "You should be sleeping, young lady"

It surprised you how he didn't question your action or reprimand you for it like he usually does, instead he was impartial as if he didn't mind having you touch him.

"Didn't i tell you that I won't feel secure until you're an inch away?" You retorted.

A low sigh escaped his lips when he realised he couldn't suppress his emotions anymore. Swiftly and abruptly, he spun around, flipping you over and catching you off guard. His body hovered over your's with both hands placed on each side of your head. This made your eyes widen and momentarily took away your ability to speak.

"And didn't i tell you to not invade my space?" He answered back.

The way he had his eyes set on you caused your breathing to quicken. Every inhale and exhale made your chest rise and fall as the two of you stared at each other in an oddly silent way. Not for a second did he glance away and neither did you. His eyes dropped to your lips and flickered back up again.

"You made a grave mistake inviting me to your bed like that," he paused. "Such a vulnerable and naive girl you are,"

His words caused your eyebrows to pull into a frown. "What do you mean?" you stuttered.

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