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"Dad why?... why is this happening?" The sorrowful taehyung asked with tears as he caresses jungkooks cheeks who is rested on his bed. Minho looked at him unable to say anything.

"Why can't we just be happy without something going wrong? I love him dad..." taehyung voiced heartbroken, "I love him not as a brother..."

"Son...I'm sorry" Minho apologized and hugged his son. "This is most definitely not how i wanted to reunite. Am sorry son it's all my fault..." Minho cried guilty, "I should've never lost at that chess game...I should've been fast to catch the ball." Minho cried.

"No dad it's not your fault.... and I don't regret dropping the ball.." Taehyung pulled from the hug. "Because of that I got to meet this angel... I don't regret every moment we spent together, I have memories of having a loved one, I have the many memories we shared both sad and happy...I want to keep them and I don't regret ever meeting him" Taehyung exclaimed as he held onto jungkooks hand and kissed it. Tears sprang out the passed out male.

Seven hours has passed with taehyung cuddling the passed out male with tears. Jungkook woke up to find himself in taehyung's arms. He stared at his beautiful face and smiled. "I love you" he whispered and kissed his lips lightly. "I don't want to be your..." he paused and closed his eyes, "b-brother" he said with a shaky voice.

"Do you really not want to be his brother?" Minho asked. He was seated on a chair a little far from their bed but he could hear the said words.

Jungkook quickly turned his head to face him. "Yes" he answered without a second thought. He got up and walked to Minho, sitting next to him. "I don't want to be his brother!"

Minho sighed, "You're just as your mother willing to take risks for their loved ones" Minho said and jungkook smiled slightly knowing that he has a mother who he shares features with. "There is only one way. And it's very painful but after, you'll be stripped the title Kim. You won't be a Kim no more." Minho explained and jungkook bit his bottom lip.

Quickly he nodded, "I'm willing to do anything to be with taehyung" he exclaimed committed. And Minho shaked his head sighing.

"I finally thought I could get my son back but now I'm getting an in-law." He said and jungkook chuckled a little. "Can you please call me father?" Minho asked smiling at jungkook with pleading eyes.

Jungkook hesitated a little. He has never once called someone father. He has never received fatherly love, as his first time saying the word tears formed,
"f-father" he said and hugged him. "I'm sorry father"

Minho cried tears of joy. He has always longed to be called father by his second son. He dreamed of this day, he dreamed of day where he meets jungguk. "One more time?" He said and jungkook continued calling him father.

They pulled from the hug. He cupped jungguks face and kissed his forehead. "You grew up so well...cute and pure just like your mother." He said happily.

After, Minho started telling jungguk stories about taehyung's childhood, stories of his mom and when he was born. Jungkook also shared his story, and Minho couldn't help but feel really sad for not being able to protect him.

After a few, Minho took jungkook to the den of thunder where ones title is stripped completely. Jungkook is going to face a trial in which he will be stricken by thunder fifty times.

They are now at the entrance. Minho held his hands, "it's not too late to refuse...you can always still be with Taehyung" he said hoping jungkook would listen.

"I know but I want to marry him. According to th forbidden rules of both heaven and hell it is forbidden for families members to marry each other nor fall in love with each other mutually...what if people find out. Taehyung's reputation would be ruined...as a prince he should set a good example...I love him...and I want him to be mine and me his." Jungkook asserted committed to keep taehyung.

"But your wings have yet to form...you're still years away from your full powers to come. The merciless thunder will damage your wings, it will extract your powers. Please...think again" Minho begged.

"I'm sorry... I don't care if I'm a like a piece of grass only moving by the wind. As long as I can be with taehyung i'm willing. What is there to fear? He will protect me...how can I let him face this when he's powers are about to be completed in about 7 more years?!" Jungkook exclaimed. Minho hugged him one last time and sent him in. Jungkook didn't let a tear escape he knew what he got himself into.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" Jungkook screamed at the harsh thunders that was being thrown towards him nonstop from the dark blue sky's. In the middle he screamed his lovers names as well as the girls name.


I wrote this while listening to IN MY ARMS by plumb.

🎶 Knowing clouds will raise up
Storms will race in
But you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down
Waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms

Castles they might crumble
Dreams may not come true
But you are never all alone
Because I will always
Always love you

This sorta applies to jungkook and taehyung's story no matter what happens they'll love and protect each other.

Bye beautifuls have a funday💚💜

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