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"People like you do not deserve to happiness. How dare you abuse innocent children out of their will? You broke the law of kindness and integrity. You deserve to be punished. And until you repent on your mistakes, you will be stripped off your wings, your most cherished memories, all the innocent cries of the children you abused will in your head in your sleep. Every five days, your body will sting making you feel unbearable pain." The figure exclaimed to the prince profoundly. The prince was taken aback for his eyes widen. Still wondering whom he was as he took the said words as joke.

The prince was once again ready to protest but the figure instantly snapped his finger. With that one snap everything that was said began to happen. The prince yelled in pain, agony as clutched his head, tears streaming down his wounded cheeks. After a while of pain the prince laid there lifeless but without death.

"You will wake up without memories of yourself and family only with those of the innocence you took. They shall haunt you forever if you don't repent."

Jungkook felt his whole body wiggly as he fell on his knees terrified. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "Taetae?" was the only words he could utter before passing out.

Taehyung instantly rushed over to jungkook picking him up bridal style back to cotton house. He set him on the black couch that was decorated with a red duvet. Seems like he sleeps there.

The two girls who once were in fear and soulless are now standing by the kitchen. They saw taehyung the person who released them from sadness carrying the person who saved them from being abused more. They ran over to him as they cried.

"Shh it's okay, he is just sleeping" taehyung assured the girls calmly hoping they would believe him, but the deep wounds they saw on jungkook said otherwise. The girls sobbed and held onto jungkooks hands.

"Is he going to die?" One of the downhearted girls asked unhappy. The other who looked alittle older than her also questioned.

Taehyung couldn't sit to watch them cry. As he was in pain too. It hearted him that jungkook was hurt despite only knowing him for a few hours. He lets tears escape his eyes, falling onto the "sleeping" jungkook.

"No he's not going to die!" Taehyung assured. "He will wake up soon"

Taehyung lifted arm,optioning to jungkooks fore head. The angles could heal but the process would take longer. If the victim is wounded severely it would take a couple weeks and if not the a couple days but nonetheless the victim will completely heal.

Upon reaching his forehead jungkook opened his eyes. Taehyung's eyes widen along with the girls. They smiled....

"Jungkook?" Taehyung exclaimed tackling him in a hug. The girls smiled as they kissed his now moving hands.

Jungkook looked at taehyung.....in fear. He shot up quickly, away from taehyung. The older which is taehyung saw that and instantly felt bad. Jungkook lifted the girls up and hugged them, assuring them everything is okay.

"Where did they go?" One of the girls asked strangely looking at his disappeared wounds. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and soon reality hit him.

"I'm healed!"

Taehyung confused at his words he reached to look where all his wounds were and there indeed was nothing. He's completely healed. But how?

The healed jungkook put the girls down and began jumping here and there completely in shock as to how he feels completely fine and energetic. He smiled, the girls smiled but taehyung frowned.


'I don't even touch him yet'

'How did he heal that quick unless... no no no no way... there is absolutely no way'

'I have to inform dad!' Taehyung thoughts were quickly diminished after he felt two figures hugging him. He hugged the two girls back.

Jungkook scratched the back of his head but he was still in fear. He didn't dare get close to taehyung. And so he thanked him from afar.

Taehyung doesn't understand why he's so scared. He doesn't want him to be scared. It hurts him that he's being feared for no big reason. But he didn't say anything.

Jungkook attempted to give taehyung back his ball, apologize and thanks him once again. But the ball was long gone.

Jungkooks eyes widen at the feel of nothing in his pockets. His heart rapidly paced along with breath. And now he was pessimistic. What if taehyung finds out and the same thing happens to him? He thought of all harm that could come to him without the ball as he paced every where in the house looking.

He even went outside where the fight was but there was nothing except his two headed resting cheetah. The confused taehyung and girls who were watching his every move walked over to him. They couldn't help but worry about this frustrated man.


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