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"The more you try to escape my web, the more tangled it becomes."

"Interview suspended at 10:34 am. Okay, take him away officer." Jungkook concluded and sighed.
He laid back in his plastic seat in the dull interview room as another drunken middle-aged perpetrator was led out the interview room back to the cells. He was exhausted from handling petty criminals and small-time gangsters which were hauled into the small, understaffed station, one by one, all day, every day. Exhausted at the idea of keeping up this false identity.
For two months now, he had maintained his squeaky clean image and hidden his secret alliance with the most wanted murderer in Korea. Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung was special. Deeply damaged. But most dangerous of all, he was underestimated and managed to evade the police so far, at least, the officers who survived. The things Jungkook had done to protect that boy from his impulsive crimes over the years. Often, he wondered how far his loyalty would stretch but seeing the wounded, defeated eyes and holding the broken young man as he'd sob 'I did it f-for you. They had to die, I couldn't let them come between us Jungkook', Taehyung needed him and Jungkook could never forget it. Nor could he forget Taehyung's promise.
Snapping himself out of his thoughts, he glanced at the small window on the door in front of him. Checking if the coast was clear, he quickly opened up a different file on the computer. Calmly, he scanned through the CCTV footage of every camera in town until he found the gory scene of Taehyung, hunched over his latest victim. Casting his eyes away from the disturbing footage, Jungkook glanced once more at the small window to ensure he wasn't being watched before dragging the mouse and hovering the arrow over 'delete'. For a moment, he hesitated, a moment that would change his life, but for better or for worse?
Abruptly, the metal door slammed open, whacking the plaster wall which was bound to leave a mark, the echo melting together with the aggressive shouts and protests of the young man being forcefully dragged into the usually quiet room.
"Officer Jeon, meet Park Jimin. This brat has just attacked three of our officers, damaged their patrol car, smashed a window, not to mention, punched the security guard at the Arugam bar..." The officer harshly introduced, struggling to keep the young man within his grasp until his words slowly began to dissipate into mindless murmurs, becoming lost in translation.
They didn't exist, the bland room didn't exist. All that existed right at that moment was the so-called 'Park Jimin'. His deep, husky growling as he fought wildly. His lips moving rhythmically. His narrowed, dark eyes that could set you on fire.
Jungkook hardly noticed when Jimin broke free from the officer's grip and was taken aback by the weight that collapsed into his lap as the mouthy young rebel attempted to attack him. Instantly coming back to his senses, Jungkook grabbed both of Jimin's slim wrists in one hand and used his other to grip his soft, messy hair at the back of his head firmly, throwing Jimin against the wooden surface table face down and holding him in place.
Unexpectedly, after initially struggling against Jungkook's iron grip, Jimin fell silent and abandoned all attempts to fight back. Jungkook raised an eyebrow incredulously before following Jimin's gaze to the open computer screen on the desk, the vicious murder playing out on the darkened screen. Noticing Jimin's wide eyes and shaky constricted pupils, Jungkook began silently planning, realising that if he doesn't think fast, his cover will be blown.
"I-Is that...Kim T-" before the boy could speak the forbidden words, Jungkook slammed Jimin's head back down, causing him to let out a strained groan. Swiftly, he closed the file and clasped a hand over the soft lips, containing the secret that threatened to spill out.
"Shut the hell up or you'll be tased. You want to learn to watch that mouth Jimin, you don't know the trouble your words may cause." Feeling slightly satisfied by the trembling of his body, Jungkook barked at the other officers to leave and waited for them to close the door behind them.
"Well Park Jimin, it seems you're about to experience the consequences that your mouth has just caused."

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