Chapter 5

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Min Ji took a deep breath and finally broke the silence, "No, my mother was a siren. The Demon Lord decided to kill her when he got bored of her and decided to use me as a harem girl instead. I was 16. Luckily, I managed to escape four years later and run away to the human world."

The shocking explanation had the boys staring at her in a stunned silence, before Jin decided to speak up.


"Yeah..." Min Ji replied sadly, reflecting on her dark past, which she felt almost guilty for bringing up in front of everyone.

A flicker of anger appeared behind Aika's eyes, a sense of disbelief in her tone "Were you not aware? You must have known what your father would do to people?" She glanced around at each of the brothers in turn, awaiting their reply, but was met with nothing but silence. "No? But you are his sons! You must have known! Why would he have kept it from you all?"

This time it was the green-haired leader who graced her with a reply, "He left us to our own devices most of the time. The only time he spent with us was when he was teaching me war strategy."

Aika's expression softened as she felt pity for the brothers. "That is despicable! You were what 15? 17 at maximum!"

Namjoon confirmed with a brief nod.

"That is awful!" She continued. "I can't believe it. I honestly thought you were all aware and just pretending like you didn't know."

Once everyone had finished eating, Min Ji gathered the dirty plates, taking them into the kitchen and putting them in the sink. Not long afterwards, Jin appears at the doorway.

"Need any help miss? Ah... I mean Min Ji?" He quickly corrected himself with a smile.

"Please could you wash the dishes?" She replied, not wanting to get wet, knowing it would be a huge inconvenience to everyone.

Jin happily complied, as she made her way back through to the dining room to collect the leftovers and start putting them in the fridge.

The eldest took this as a perfect opportunity to tell one of his famous jokes. "Hey, what did the plate say to the spoon?"

"I don't know," the red-haired girl replied.

"DISHES a very bad joke!!" Jin bursts into laughter, his windscreen laugh carrying through to the next room, earning a laugh from Min Ji, before being interrupted by a shout from the youngest, who was still in the dining room with the rest of his brothers.

"Suga said to shut the bad word up eomma!!"

"YAH!?! Tell him that I'll take away his little song book if he does it again!!" The eldest scolded, disapproving of his dongsaeng's attitude.

"He said try me swear word!" Jungkook shouted, relaying messages from his hyung.

"Yah!?" Jin exclaims

V laughs amused by his brothers' antics.

Aika just stared in confusion at the boys, wondering why they were acting this way. "What... what...? What just happened?"

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks.

"Why are you not acting like adults?" Aika enquires curiously, completely baffled at the lighthearted behaviour.

"We're just having fun." The silver-haired boy states bluntly.

"But princes are not supposed to have fun, right? You are supposed to be serious."

"That's why we came here."

"Right... I understand. Even though you left me there. Aish..." Aika mumbles angrily, still bitter that they had left her behind in the demon world.

Jimin sensed the annoyed tone in her voice, apologising on behalf of himself and his brothers "We're sorry..."

"It's not like you can do anything about it now..." Aika brushes him off with a shrug. "It is whatever! I am used to being left..."

"What our father did to you wasn't right..." Jimin tries to continue but she cuts him off before he can finish.

"It is in the past..."

Jimin nods before Aika stands up and calls out to Min Ji. "Ji Ji? Would I be able to go explore this house? Obviously not in your bedrooms of course."

"Sure." She replies.

"Thank you very much!" Aika walks off, going to explore the house.

Jin decided to take this as a perfect opportunity to get to know the girl who he was currently helping in the kitchen. "Well, what would you normally do Min Ji?" He asks her, trying to strike up a friendly conversation.

"Mainly looking after the house while my friends are at work." She replies.

"You dont work?"

"No, when I came to the human world, I took a course at university to try and learn more about it. It's where I met the rest of the girls. They started before me, so I graduated earlier. I only graduated a couple of months ago, so I haven't found a job yet." Min Ji explains.

"Oh. What would you do?"

"I took a course in human medicine, so I guess I could find a job as a nurse." She responds, pondering her potential career options. "What sorts of things do you do?"

"Well I can cook, J-Hope and Suga can rap, Suga writes songs and J-Hope also dances, Jungkook and Jimin sing and dance, V sings and I think he can rap and Namjoon BREAKS EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES!!!" Jin exclaims, evidently frustrated at the latter. A joking complaint echoed from the other room in response.

"That's cool." Min Ji giggles.

Jin, slightly confused by the unexpected response, decides to question her thought process, seemingly getting the wrong end of the stick. "What? The breaking everything bit? It's really not, how he would have become king is beyond me! He would have broken the throne as soon as he sat on it!"

His extravagant reply earned more laughter as Min Ji clarified her previous statement, "I meant the cooking, rapping, dancing and singing stuff, but the breaking things is just pretty funny."

"Tell that to Suga! He has to fix everything."

"Okay I can imagine that getting quite annoying."

The light, jovial atmosphere was suddenly clouded, as a barrage of dark thoughts flooded Min Ji's head. 'Who were the group that attacked these boys? Surely if they found them before then they'll find them again? Were they really going to be safe here...?' The questions floated around her mind, making her fearful of the fate the brothers had to face. Jin obviously noticed something was wrong, as he looked at her expectantly, however she was too scared to voice her thoughts, afraid that it would make her fears real.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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