Chapter 4

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Despite the aggressive gesture, Aika seemed unfazed, her confident demeanour unchanging as she stared back, unflinching. "Or what? You gonna hit me? Ha please, you're pathetic." This only fuelled Suga's anger as he gripped her tighter. With a deadpanned expression, she kicked him in the crotch, causing him to cry out in pain, dropping her in the process. Aika walks over to Taehyung and greets him as if nothing just happened "Tae!! How's my favourite brother?"


"What, are you ignoring me too? I would have hoped you would have taken me with you. I thought we were fwiends." She mimics in a patronising tone. "Whatever; it's not like I care. I'm here to do a job, then I'm done."

"Good luck with that." Comments Namjoon.

RM's sudden comment appears to take Aika by surprise as she bowed in panic, "Y...your majesty."

"We aren't planning on leaving." He clarifies firmly, crossing his arms and not about to back down.

The confident demeanour she had before had completely vanished, as she seemed genuinely afraid by his presence. "I...I... understand sir ...b... but your father sent me..." she stutters, " must understand. I...I...Can't go against y...your father."

"I know, but just because you can't doesn't mean that we can't." He replies, determined to do everything in his power to keep his brothers safe and away from their father back in the demon world.

"Y...yes. I...I...understand....but I was... sent fetch you Sir and I...I can't leave....without you." She explains timidly.

"Then don't leave." he stated bluntly.

"...I... my... my sister... she'll...die..." Averting her eyes, Aika fidgeted with her clothing, trying not to break under the weight of Namjoons gaze.

It was clear that Aika's sister had been captured by the Demon Lord and she had to bring his sons back in exchange for her sister's life. RM's expression darkened as he knew the painful truth of the situation. There was no way their father would keep his word. He never did. "Knowing father, he won't keep his word anyway. He'll do what he wants whether you bring us back or not. You're not going to change our minds."

Bowing her head, Aika decided it was best to stop pressing the subject and back down from the argument. "Y...yes sir...your word is law."

"Good, I'm glad we've come to an understanding."

Jin popped his head around the corner. "Joon, go finish eating." He speaks up, hoping to diffuse the situation and restore the previous peaceful atmosphere. Namjoon happily complies, making his way back to the dining room to join his other siblings.

Jin sighs, turning to Min Ji, "I apologise miss."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." She replies, smiling reassuringly. "Oh, and you can call me Min Ji or Ji Ji if you like."

He nods, smiling back at her, before walking back to the dining room.

Min Ji notices that Aika was still standing in the corner, head bowed. "Aika..." She gently breaks the silence, waiting for an answer.

"Please head on through miss..." Came the emotionless response.

Although not the answer she was hoping for, Min Ji reluctantly obeyed, heading back to the dining room, closely followed by Aika. However, the latter stopped just inside the doorway, standing against the wall, still looking down at the floor.

"You can have something to eat if you like." Min Ji offers, hearing Aika's stomach growl.

"Do you have a bowl for me to eat it out of miss?" She asks, her hand shooting to her stomach in embarrassment.

"There are more plates in the kitchen..." She replied, slightly confused and taken aback by the question.

Noticing her confusion, Jungkook clarifies the statement. "She means like a dog bowl, that's how dad would feed her before."

Aika nods. "Yes miss... I am a pet to these boys as well as their guardian."

"Sit down and I'll get you something to eat." Min Ji stated before getting up and fetching an extra plate of food, giving it to Aika.

"Thank you miss..." She replied, awkwardly glancing down at the floor.

"It's okay, also, you can call me Min Ji or Ji Ji, I honestly don't mind." She offers, smiling.

"I don't think I could do that, it's disrespectful for someone like me." Aika fidgets with her short black hair.

"I'm not any more important than you are."

"Yes you are! You are a clean succubus while I am a tainted werewolf."

"I don't believe you're any less important than me, just because you're a werewolf."

"You don't?" Aika asks in disbelief, her eyes widening, finding it impossible to believe anyone could place themselves equal to her.

"No." Min Ji states plainly, making it clear she didn't consider herself to be superior in any way.

"T...Thank you miss...I mean Min Ji." She replies gratefully.

"It's alright." Min Ji smiled before pausing and reflecting on the past. Since Aikas indenture has been revealed, it was obvious where shed seen her before. "It's been a long time since we last saw each other."

"Yes you were a lot scrawnier." Aika points out, notably more relaxed than before.

"Good to know."

Giggling at the comment, Aika continues, "Sorry sorry, it was meant to be a good thing, you look healthier and happier now."

"Haha, yeah, it's fine, I know what you meant."

"Have you told these guys? I mean if they are being accepting of you then I can hope..."

"Told us what?" Jin asks, his curiosity peaked.

"Oh... I am so sorry, I did not mean to bring it up. I thought you would have told them." Aika profusely apologises, bowing her head with respect, unaware that the boys didn't know the full story.

"It's okay Aika, don't worry." Min Ji reassures her before turning to Jin to answer his question. "My mother and I were captured by your father."

Confusion was evident in his expression, "but... you're a succubus? Unless..." His face lights up at the thought, "are you also a Cambion?!?" He asks happily.

The seemingly innocent question hung heavy in the air. Min Ji's expression was one of raw emotion; a mixture of pain and sadness as old memories flooded back, ones she had tried her hardest to forget. She had forced them into the dark recesses of her mind, under an impenetrable lock and key, fearful of the pain they might cause if resurfaced.

Chain The Monster (A BTS AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora