Chapter 3

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"Please miss..."

"Aish... what happened?" There was a strong undertone of concern apparent in her voice and a sudden thought occurred to her. 'Maybe she had been attacked by the same group that attacked the boys.'

"I was... was attack...attacked..." The pain she was in was obvious as she struggled to speak, gasping for breath. A deep wound sliced into the flesh of her upper right arm, heavily oozing out blood and a bluish-purple bruise forming around it.

Min Ji possessed a deep sense of sympathy for the strange girl, deciding against her better judgement to invite her inside.

She gratefully accepted the invitation, a subtle smirk flashing across her face as she catches sight of the seven demons in the other room. "Thank you... it's hard to find kind people nowadays."

Min Ji gently guided her to a chair before disappearing to the bathroom and bringing back a multitude of various pharmaceutical supplies; tubs of salve and antiseptic wipes balanced on a tray. Crouching down beside her, she began to lightly clean the wounds, taking this as an opportunity to introduce herself. "I'm Min Ji, whats your name?"

"Ri... Ri Aika..." Comes the pained reply through gritted teeth as a particularly strong-smelling antiseptic solution was applied to the gash on her arm.

"Nice to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you too. You do seem awfully familiar..." Aika trails off in thought. "But that's impossible....I mean if I had met you sorry ignore me." She hastily added, promptly dismissing the subject.

"No, its fine. What were you going to say?" Min Ji asked, marginally suspicious of how dismissive Aika had been, especially since she slightly recognised her too. But from where?

"No, its nothing...." Came the abrupt reply. "Who are those boys in your dining room? I saw on my way in and could have sworn some of them growled at me." She inquired, again changing the subject.

"They're guests." Stated Min Ji firmly, defending them from the alleged accusation.

"I see, you dont know them personally then?"

"Not really, why?"

"They look familiar is all." She replied, shrugging, the vague answer only making Min Ji grow more curious as she tried to piece together fragmented memories of the girl in front of her.

At this point, the boys were aware of the stranger's presence, leading some to theorise about her identity.

"Is that who I think it is?" The youngest posed the question to his brothers, voicing their collective thoughts.

"Depends who you think it is." Replied Suga with his usual blunt and matter-of-fact attitude, never one to beat around the bush.

"That girl who worked for father, the one who was our 'guardian'."

"I think you might be right." Suga agreed, with the sudden realisation that things weren't going to stay peaceful for long.

"She's back to take us home!!!" Jungkook exclaimed rather loudly, beginning to panic.  "Maybe we should strike before she does." He added cryptically in a considerably more subdued tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Well if she's here to take us home then maybe we should scare her off." He suggested, finally explaining his idea. "Bagsy not doing it!" He continued, looking to his second-oldest Hyung, too scared to execute his own proposed plan.

"Seriously?" Suga objected in disbelief. "Anyone else?" He glanced around at each of his brothers in turn, being met with nothing but silence. Breathing an exasperated sigh, he frowned. "Aish... Fine... I'll do it."

"Sorry Hyung."

Getting up from his place at the table, Suga slowly made his way through to the lobby and hovered near the staircase, not wanting to interrupt the girls' conversation.

"Um, I think one of them is looking for you." Aika noticed his presence, bringing it to Min Ji's attention.

"You okay?" The latter asked, assuming he wanted something.

Aika looked away smugly, seemingly knowing something that Min Ji was unaware of. "Doesn't seem it."

"Do you two know each other?" She asked, starting to suspect that the two had some sort of history she didn't know about.

"Yeah, she works for our father and probably came to bring us back," Suga explains matter-of-factly.

Aika rolls her eyes, a sudden change in her attitude. "Aish took you long enough." She fake curtseys in a sarcastic manner. "Your highness, oh wait you can't become king can you?"

"Will you just shut up and leave." He snaps, already tired of her attitude.

"Im afraid I can't do that." She replies.

"Well you're not going to make us go back, so don't even bother trying." Suga crosses his arms, adamant in his decision.

"Well, I'm supposed to stay until you do. You do realise this is your guys' faults yes?" Challenged Aika, pacing across the room, starting to grow restless.

"What did you expect us to do? Stay in the Demon world?"

The question catches Aika off guard, causing her to temporarily lower her guard. "You should have taken me with you..." she mumbled, just quiet enough so that Suga couldnt hear her, before actually answering him. "Ugh it would have been the best option, then once your brother was king he could change things."

"What if he didn't want to?"

She shrugged at his question and plainly replies. "He had too, it's his legacy."

"He doesnt have to do anything." Suga retorted. "Anyway, why're you complaining? I thought you hated it in the Demon World, so just stay in the human world."

At this point, Aika was starting to lose her patience. "Easier said than done dipshit."

"Yeah, I know its difficult, but it's worth it."

"He'd kill my bloody sister."

"We're not leaving." He stated bluntly, determined not to back down from the argument.

However, Aika also wasnt backing down that easily. "Then neither am I! I dont know why you dont understand this..."

Suga sighs, "Aish... whatever." At this point, he wouldnt have been scared to admit that, frankly, he couldn't be bothered to keep arguing with her.

"Language! We may be elsewhere but I am still your guardian." She scolds harshly.

"Does it look like I care?"

"Aish you rude brat!!" Growls Aika. "You better be careful Cambion you seem to be forgetting your place!"

Suga doesnt respond, only meeting her gaze with an icy glare.

"And you know where that is? Under my shoe." She could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. Anger was blazing in his eyes, like an inextinguishable fire. Giggling, she continues to provoke him. "What's wrong? Can't take the truth? Face it; you're lower than me."

"Shut up!" Suga suddenly lunged forward and violently pinned Aika against a wall, looking like he was ready to kill her at any moment. All Min Ji could do was stare, glued to the spot in a state of shock brought on by the intense chaos she was witnessing.

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