Chapter 11: Building Empire

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Saimon's plan could impress almost any businessman. Ofcourse it did. He used his insight to predict which platform is best and who to team up would be best and how to execute the plan at right time. Everything was planned by observing the future.

Saimon started being recognised in the business world with a fake name he chose "Roman" . He would get invitation to work for bigger tycoons but he didn't wanted to get under control of others.

"Sam, how is the business?" Saimon asks.( Mr. Dalton's first name is Sam)

"I cannot believe how correct you are when predicting things. One day you will teach it to me." Sam replies with a laugh.

"So can we move forward?" Saimon suddenly shows a serious face.

"Not yet." Sam also replies seriously.

Saimon even with his business hadn't missed school except for one or two days and nobody in his class knew he was doing business.

"Do you guys know? There is a new businessman of our age booming around the business world?" Yusaka was talking when Saimon entered the class.

"I heard it from my dad and got his name is Roman and is about our age". Yusaka with bright eyes and smile described it to her friends.

"How fantastic it would be if I could make him my boyfriend." Yusaka smiled.

"I asked my dad to introduce him to me." Yusaka bragged.

"I haven't got involved with Yusaka's dad and had told Sam to not get involved." Saimon thought.
"Just straight out lies maybe." Saimon ignored.

School days were going normal and Saimon now had hundreds of thousands of dollars in his bank account but haven't used even a cent from it.

"Grandma, I made lots of money. I am a successful businessman." Saimon explained grandma who got angry after seeing that much of money thinking he used bad ways.

"What business?" Grandma raged.

Saimon showed all of his assests and partnership with Sam and explained he had an unimaginable talent in predicting stocks and cashflow.

"But..." Grandma was shocked to the core.

"Don't worry grandma, I didn't take any bad roads to get this money." Saimon smiled.

"Grandma, lets renovate the house. It needs one seriously right now." Saimon said and grandma's eyes were filled with tears.

After grandpa's death the house wasn't renovated even once. She couldn't afford and obviously couldn't do it herself.

"Tomorrow I will call the fastest and best renovators to heal our home up." Saimon exclaimed with joy.

"Where will we live till then?" Grandma showed worry.

"Don't worry about that." Saimon comforted her with a confident tone.

"Sam I need an apartment for about 2 days til my house is renovated." Saimon said it with a friendly voice.

"I will make arrangements." Sam  replied.

Saimon skipped school and made custom renovations according to grandma's wish and got to know some talented workers and had a new business insight.

"Grandma, don't open it until I tell you too." Saimon ran infront of her.

With open arms and a big smile Saimon said, "Now, open it."

Grandma took her blindfold off and instantly shed tears of joy and hugged Saimon and both of them went in a renovated house which was the momento of his grandfather.

"Grandma don't work from now on. I will hire a maid." Saimon said.

"There's no need to waste money. I am healthy enough." Grandma replied.

"Ofcouse there is a need. You have backpain and its time to rest and leave the responsibilities to the younger generation." Saimon smiled.

Grandma looked at him and agreed with a big smile.

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