Chapter 3: Wish to be granted

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"Without the transcriptor they wouldn't hear you though" Strange boy talked looked at him with a grin.

"I have the power to grant one human any wish he demands but he will be a part of something great something grand" GTM Points towards Saimon with his index finger.

" I can allow you to talk to the dead if you desire" GTM sits beside him.
Saimon with dead eyes looking to the ground keeps a silent tone.
"Answer me and any one of your wish shall be granted."

"I don't have something great to tell my parents. How can I tell them its miserable after they are gone. Being bullied working for living feeling guilty of giving troubles to grandma" with sad tone and lower voice Saimon exclaims.

" You shall wish for anything for any desire, Greed pride or even for justice, It shall be granted"

" May I think on my wish?"

"Meet me after a fortnight, I will appear before you" GTM suddenly disappears.

Saimon leaves for home and as hours go he forgets about the grief and think about what happened and is tremendously shocked though he looked calm.

He falls asleep thinking about it. He goes to school the day after. As he didn't have many friend just one to be precise who joined as a transfer student. For 15 days he thinks hard and gets the opinion of his friend what she would do if she was granted any wish. He decides on what to wish for and goes there to meet him.

"Have you decided" voice echoes.

"Yes, I have" Saimon sounded confident.

" Lets hear your wish" GTM appears infront of him levitating in the air.

" After a long thought and proper analysis I have figured a wish that will help me and nobody will easily figure out that I have powers."

"My wish is..........

14th JulyWhere stories live. Discover now