Chapter 8: Confidence

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"I have to think about it." Suddenly Saimon gets a basic plan.

He cuts his fingertips a little and goes to the nurses office.

Saimon opens the door of the nurse's office.

"How may I help you?" Doctor responds immediately.

"Doctor I cut my fingertip with a rusted blade." Saimon shows fake fear infront of the doctor.

"Calm down, let me see." Doctor shows Saimon a place to get rested.

Saimon activates his control powers and throw his insight power to the mix.

"This should do it." Saimon stands and open the door to head out.

"Yes, How may I help you?" Doctor repeats

"Oh sorry!! Wrong room" Saimon closes the door.

He implants a deep desire in doctors mind to slack off on the health check up today.

After a successful attempt on getting what he wanted. He was high with victory.

He though of starting a business right away.

"Where to start is the big issue here" Saimon sighs.

"Hey old man, I want to start a business." With serious glare Saimon at his part time job talks to his employer.

"You on your high horse kid?" Old man teases him for his inexperienced self.

"Starting a business is not eating a pie, do you know whats the most important thing in business is?" Old man sits on his chair and starts writing.

"Money, which I am trying to get it from you. Let me loan some money"
Saimon confidently says to his face.

"No kid, the ability to win against others and having something a secret weapon to keep your business up. That is the key to a successful business if you lack productiveness which certainly you lack." The old man scratches his head complaining about the things he was calculating.

"A secret weapon, right?" Saimon devilishly smiles.

"What if I say I am perfect from what you explained just now?" Saimon uses all of his four ability.

First he gets the old mans mind and desires then he counts the money in the store right now and improvise a plan by seeing the future and controls the thought process of the old man to make him more diverted to provide him with loan. This all happened in an instant. The old man opens his eyes and stops writing.

"Kid, I am investing." After the old mans word Saimon grins with tenacity in his eyes.

Saimon went home early and searched through the internet and notes the best place to invest for making high money in his area in short amount of time.

14th JulyWhere stories live. Discover now