Chapter 6: Misora

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Everybody went there to eat and enjoy but Saimon was working there so he was serving them.

"Excuse me, waiter can you bring me more water. The service is not good you know" one of the followers of Yusaka does as instructed.

Everyone laughs except Misora who was more angry than Saimon himself.

"Lets not be so rude, I think the service is quite good. Its on time and the staffs are polite" said Misora with a domineering tone.

"What would you know, this is just a cheap store. How can you know high standard service of 5 star hotels." said the boyfriend of Yusaka who is also from a rich family.

For about 2 hours they stayed there where only about 1 hour they diverted from bullying them.

" When will you head home? Asks Misora.

"My shift will be over in 10 minutes" replies Saimon.

"Lets head home together, If its okay with you Saimon."

"Okay, I will be fast in packing"Saimon replied in a hurry.

Saimon made rules about using his powers. He wouldn't use the see through(powers to see through object in future it will be called SETH power for short) power until he absolutely needs his or have to use it for his needs because he can see through walls and all non living things but living things were exception. He would see people naked if he used SETH around people and he thought it was quite unfair for the people.

As they were walking home Misora talked a lot and comforted Saimon. He didn't even have to check if her concern was true through his power but he used it and found out that Misora is also in a tight situation financially as she was also living with her mother only.

Saimon went home and fell asleep right away thinking " Everyone have their own problems. I probably shouldn't interfere."

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