Chapter 2: The GTM replies.

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"Do you want to talk to your parents? I may grant you one of your wish" a strange sound echoes in Saimon's head.

Saimon stands hurriedly and look behind him. Peek behind the grave and see that no one's around.

"Wh-who are you?" Saimon stumbles.

" I have a lucky charm from the local shrine you can't touch me. "

"Oh? And what if you want me to touch you?" the strange and unknown voice brusts into laughter and a guy with a cat masks suddenly whispers in Saimon's left ear.

"Whoa!! I'm so scared. Please don't use the power of your lucky charm" the strange guy just around Saimon's height about 5'10 ft laughs loudly.

"Wh-wh-where did you?" Saimon steps back in fear.

"Don't I look normal? I even got dressed normal, though I just checked how people dressed from there." Strange guy turns behind and a sudden spark of electricity from his shoes.

Saimon completely frozen and speechless from fear calms himself.
"Who are you? How are you doing these things?" Saimon stares right into his eyes and show unyielding confidence and calmness.

" How rude of me, let me begin. I am a deity and when I saw through dimensions I saw you crying besides your parents grave trying to talk to them."

"Yeah, its been one year today" Saimon breaks his eye contact and looks at the sky.

" I know they are in heaven but I wanted them to know that I am being strong and have handled things around here" Saimon leaves a long sigh and again sits facing his back to the grave.

"I am GTM and I shall grant you what you desire" with arms out and legs joined strange men said it in a dramatic manner.

14th JulyWhere stories live. Discover now