Chapter 10

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"I can't... I can't... I can't..." Harry had both hands on pressed flat against the stone wall of his room, his head leaning on the cool blocks. His mind was stuck in indecision. A bad thing, really. He really needed to get out of the Dark Lord's group and vanish. Or kill him. But for that, he needed Draco. Half of him wanted to use the boy and drop him. But the other half - the stronger part, mind you - wanted to love him and keep him. Not hurt him.

"Then I won't." His decision being made final for a time, he left the room, with a bigger problem on hand. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it could, and possibly would, cause him copious amount of trouble. With that in mind, he headed for his godfather's office.

When he opened the heavy chamber door to the office, he found the old git doing paperwork at his table, dressed in his usual attire. Harry walked to the desk and laid his hands flat on it, hunching over, his shoulders rising up.

"Severus, Severus?" The greasy git looked up at him with his onyx eyes and then they shifted back to his papers. He help up a finger, signalling for a moment but harry didn't have the patience to wait. He needed help, and he needed it now! And the only person he could trust was Severus. Of course, there was Professor Mcgonagall, but really? I mean, really?

Thank Merlin Dumbledore wasn't around anymore. With his inquisitive curiosity, he would've been on Harry within minutes. He never liked the old geezer, especially when he was trying to poke into other people's business. Namely, his. And what more, he felt that Draco was just a pawn to the ancient wizard. That he was using him to get what he wanted. And he'd almost succeeded. But unfortunately for him, Harry got the joyous task of killing him. Oh what a day that was.

Well, it's done and dusted. And what's more, Harry felt that Draco was happier without Dumbledore around to suffocate him and his every move. His freedom. Draco didn't know it, but he was nothing to the old man. Just a part of his game. Though Harry did.

"Sev." His impatience folded on him and he banged a fisted hand on the desk, grabbing the attention of his godfather, which was precisely what he wanted.

"Yes harry?" Severus was slightly agitated at being disturbed from his work, and normally, he would curse the person who disturbed him to hell, aside from his godson and Professor McGonagall. That woman had earned his respect in many ways.

Back to the matter at hand, Harry was staring at him with his vindictive green eyes, set in their usual cold sneer. When he met his godson's gaze, he saw him relax intently.

"I have a problem." Harry trod across the room and landed on the plush leather couch Severus had. It let out a swishing sound as the air leaked out of the cushions. If Severus didn't know any better, he would've retorted with something along the lines of 'Well, you've always got a problem, haven't you?' But he kept that to himself and instead focused on being serious.

"And the problem is?" The moment Severus had asked, Harry stood up from the couch and began pacing back and forth across the room. The older man watched him for a few seconds, before swiping a hand to brush at some hair on his face. He pushed it back but the strand fell forward, again, so he brushed it behind his ear and tilted his head on a different angle.

Harry was still pacing, hands clasped behind his back and a look of determination of his face. Severus wasn't sure whether he should sit the boy down or just leave him to pace, to get it out of his system. He decided to let him be and settled for watching him again.

"It's dangerous, and stupid." One hand sprung forward to card through his hair, showing his agitation. The more he walked back and forth, the more Severus thought he was going to wear a hole in the cobblestone floor.

"Harry." All the older man needed was for harry to calm down enough to tell him what the problem is. Clearly, he was worked up, and it wasn't helping his case. If he didn't calm down, Severus couldn't help him.

"And it will get me into a lot of trouble." Harry spouted off another bout of words, making Severus drag a hand down his face. He wasn't sure if he could get his godson's attention. He's seen him do this countless times, it was very hard to break him out of it.

Severus perked up at the mention of trouble. Usually, Harry was getting going around getting into trouble. And usually, Severus was the one getting him out of it. Which made him wonder of this was serious trouble or just the usual.

"Harry." Another futile attempt to drag the boy from his pacing went out the window when Harry replied again, not hearing, or ignoring Severus' blatant attempts.

Sometimes Harry was so thick headed, it was hard to get through to him. Which made Severus wonder if there was a certain keyword that could make him shut up in a time like this. But never mind that, his main task at the moment was to focus solely on his godson's problems. And Harry be damned if Severus didn't.

"Therefore, we have two options; kill the Dark Lord or run and hide." Clearly having no idea of where that thought came from, Severus very nearly face planted into his desk. What in the world was Harry thinking? Obviously, he wasn't.

"Harry!" Severus attempted one last time to get his godson's attention, praying to Merlin that it would work, because he wasn't sure how much longer he could go on, with Harry rambling nonsense and pacing all over the place.

"Yes?" Finally, finally, after getting Harry's attention, Severus relaxed into his chair and steepled his fingers under his chin. He caught Harry's eyes and then flicked his gaze to the couch and back. Getting his message, Harry stumbled over and sat down on it. It let out another swishing sound as weight was pushed upon it.

"What is the problem?" At this point in time, the older man was fed up with Harry's antics and was exasperated at his behaviour. Severus knew he should be more serious about his godson's problems, but he came in here every other week babbling about something or other that someone has done.

It was really a usual occurrence to have Harry at his door a few times a month, so he was quite used to it, but there was definitely just something about this visit that had Severus hooked that something actually was up.

"I think I really like the saviour." What in the name of Salazar Slytherin was Harry talking about? Saviour? Whatever is was, he hoped it wasn't serious. Maybe Harry's was just pulling his leg, and in return for that, he'd have detention for two afternoons, godson or not.

"Jesus Christ?" The older man retorted and peered at Harry with squinted eyes. The boy was sitting, with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Confusion ran through his eyes as he calculated his godfather's words. With a flicker of recognition, Harry spoke.

"What? No, the saviour boy." He snapped at his godfather, and then remembered, it was his godfather. "Malfoy." He mumbled quietly, as an afterthought. He wasn't sure what Severus would think, and he wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

"Oh." Silence. "Oh!" Severus leaned forward on his desk and propped his face on a closed fist. A slow grin spread across his face, looking almost malicious. Almost.

"Harry, what have you gotten yourself into?" He questioned deviously and Harry didn't know whether to be frightened or amused.

Looking Beyond The Lies (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang