Chapter 19

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Draco walked profoundly along the halls, thinking about the homework he had just received from his transfigurations class. Ron and Hermione were tittering quietly beside him as they made their way up to the Gryffindor common room. It didn't take long for Draco to settle down in front of the fire with his treacherous homework. It's not that he hated transfigurations, Professor McGonagall just had high expectations for homework. And class work.

Hermione was sitting at a desk, head buried in her homework, while Ron was coming up a mess on the couch, constantly moving and making frustrated noises. After more minutes of Ron, Draco turned around with one eyebrow raised and looked pointedly at Ron until he looked over. "What? What're you staring at me like that for?" He questioned, frustrated and restless.

"Ron, if you're getting frustrated, stop doing it. It's not due for two days." Draco, with ounces of annoyance in his voice, was ready to clock Ron one. Today was just one of those days were he felt irritated by the smallest things. He wanted to concentrate but couldn't with Ron groaning about in the background. Ron sent him a surprised look, ready to retort when Hermione butted in.

"On the contrary, it's better to get it done now than to delay it. Trust me, you'll thank me for it." She shot a smile at the two of them. Even though Hermione was a bit of a smart ass, she truly just was trying to help them out. After all, they were her best friends.

They both acknowledged her advice and she went back to her studying. After a few seconds, Ron leaned over and whispered to Draco. "What's crawled up your ass? You've been like this all day?"

Draco just shrugged back in reply. It could've had something to do with the fact that Neville dropped the contents of his burnt cauldron on Draco's shoes, or that his notebook went up in flames thanks to Seamus, or that Crabbed and Goyle tripped him up in the hallway before lunch. Or even that his friends had all been too preoccupied to notice his own miseries.

Less than happy, Draco got up and took his stuff to his room. He dumped it on his bed before making sure his wand was in his robes and headed back downstairs. He announced his leaving, saying he was going for a walk. Hermione and Ron made eye contact after he left. "Draco's not happy today." Hermione nodded in agreement.

Draco stuffed his hands into his pants pockets, shoulders hunched, and shuffled along the corridor in a slow slumber. His face was drooped in exhaustion, his eyes somber and lifeless. Maybe today, his depression was getting the best of him. And it made every insignificant thing seem big.

He drifted towards the kitchen, hopefully Dobby could give him something to cheer him up. Maybe some chocolate squares. It was not yet bed time, so there were still a few students milling about. Draco spotted Seamus and Dean standing in a corner, talking quietly. It looked serious.

As he drifted fourth towards the kitchen, he spotted a few more of his friends. None of them noticed him though, which made him feel even more insignificant. Just as Draco was about to go back to his bed and sulk, he spotted Dobby in the doorway of the kitchen. A small smile slid onto his face and he picked up his face.

Dobby greeted him with chocolate squares and warm milk. "Dobby knew Master Draco was coming. Dobby knows something is wrong." Draco looked thoughtfully at Dobby as he took the chocolate and milk while the elf led him to a small table. He was grateful to have the elf in his life. He just always knew.

"Dobby's friend Inky made you warm milk. She said it helps wizards sleep." An alternate to a sleeping potion, Draco mused. He told the elf thank you and then proceeded to ask about his day.

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