Rest In Peace, Alan Rickman

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Hey guys,

I don't know if you've heard yet but the beloved Harry Potter actor, Alan Rickman, who played Severus Snape, passed away yesterday, January 14.

Alan Rickman was a force to be reckoned with, he had such a talent for acting, though while fighting cancer for his life, he managed to create a name for himself in the world. We know him as the dear character, Severus Snape. I know many of you had hard feelings towards Snape at the beginning of Harry Potter, probably all the way up until The Deathly Hallows, where he died, and Harry Potter regarded him as a hero and one of the bravest men he knew.

Not only did Alan Rickman play in Harry Potter, he starred in many movies that have become iconic today. He was 69, still an early age, but he has been plucked away from the earth because his time for something better has come. Why do the good people always die? Same reason as why people always pick the prettiest flower.

Dear Alan gave cancer a good kick in the face, though many did not know of his battle. As he died, he was surrounded by family and friends for one last time.

He will always be in our hearts, Alan Rickman. My thoughts are to his friends and family and I hope yours are too.

I hope this tribute message brings knowledge to people of Alan Rickman's work, his legendary talent and his name. For he will go down in history in the name of the biggest franchise the world has ever seen.

May he Rest In Peace.

Thank you.

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