Chapter 14

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Draco was thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking. About what?

Harry, of course.

Why? Because the damned boy was clouding his mind.

The blonde sighed and shifted slightly from his minutely comfortable position where he was laying stomach down on the cold stones of the castle floor. His face was cheek down to the right.

Draco had come to lie on the floor when he tripped over a loose cobblestone. His bag of belongings had scattered only a few feet away. Since he didn't have the will to get up, he stayed on the mildly comforting tiles.

One of his hands had crept up to trace around the stone next to his face. It had been a few days... Maybe, since Harry had marched all the way to the Gryffindor tower just because he remembered that Draco had a fear of storms.

He had been surprised, to say the least, when Hermione had banged on his door and the only thing she said was 'Harry is at the Portrait'. Well, surprised was one of his many emotions in that moment, what, with the storm raging outside his window and all.

Harry had taken him to the library where they had sat for a few hours. Somehow, amidst it all, Draco had managed to crawl into Harry's lap after leaving many nail marks from gripping his arm to hard. Rather, Draco had taken to gripping his jumper after. And now, here he was, lying on the floor of the hallway.

What day was it? Wednesday? Yeah, Wednesday afternoon, or something.

Draco wasn't exactly sure as to what notion he should perceive of Harry. The raven haired boy was almost inexplicably handsome and hard to ignore. Especially when he was chasing after Draco, or seemed to be at every corner. There were moments when Draco wanted to hit him for being a jerk, but that was part of his demeanour. And it probably wouldn't change. Not even for him.

"Oi, Malfoy." A loud voice dragged him away from his thoughts and he turned his head. Two pairs of shoes came into his line of vision and he strained to look up. Terry Boot and Cormac McLaggen were standing in front of him, wearing matching menacing expression.

Draco heaved himself up off the floor and faced the boys. "Hi." It was a well known fact that the two didn't like him very well. He had taken quite a few harsh words from them for weeks now, but had never mentioned it to anyone else.

It was always just the two of them ganging up on him, but he could handle it. Terry took a step towards Draco and he took and step back. "Is there something I can do for you?" His voice lilted slightly, nervous with question. Cormac stepped forward to join Terry. They looked at each other, and then Draco, both grinning slyly.

"It seems that you're all alone, are you not?" Terry questioned and his eyes glinted with something. Malice, maybe? Draco took another step back, frightened now. His back connected with the wall, hands gripping at the stones for support. "How dare you lie on the ground in such a provocative manner, with a body like that." Terry was now sneering and Cormac joined in.

"Yes, such a shame. Someone could take advantage of that." Draco gulped, his nerves chewed out. He opened his mouth, but couldn't speak for some reason.

"P- please don't hurt me..." Draco trailed off, when a fist swung at him, connecting with his jaw. Pain blossomed on his face and he clutched the sore area with tender fingers.

"Too late." Cormac said and hit him in the stomach. Draco managed to get a punch or two on Cormac before Terry yanked him off the wall and held his arms behind his back. With his arms useless, Draco resorted to kicking wildly at whoever was in his way. He heard a loud grunt as his foot connected with something and he grinned slightly.

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