Chapter 6

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And so Harry listened to his inner urges and drifted silently to the crying boy at the window. "Draco?" In his hunched over grief, Draco froze from his mind of misery and stiffened amicably, his head bent low. All he could see from the corners of his eyes were the shoes belonging to the owner of the voice.

Harry noticed the way Draco stiffened, and came closer, squatting on his haunches and looking at the blonde with sincere compassion. Upon closer inspection, Harry noticed how disheveled Draco's hair was. And when he finally looked up at Harry, he noticed the tired lines under his eyes.

Draco was surprised that Harry was here, with him. Only a few minutes ago did he see him in the Great hall. And he also wondered what he was doing here, trying to comfort him when only a few nights ago did Harry say that Draco was his problem. And it confused the hell out of Draco, but here he was, trying to comfort him when he clearly, his message meant to stay away.

Harry wasn't sure what Draco was thinking, but whatever it was, it had Draco deep in thought. Tears rolled silently down the boy's cheeks and Harry had the sudden urge to wipe them away. But he held himself back. He remembered that it wasn't his place to play the role of the caring boyfriend. Because no matter how much Harry liked the younger boy, he couldn't get involved.

Several things would turn and become a problem if he certainly tried.

Harry suddenly remembered that Draco was there and he came tumbling out of his thoughts only to see that Draco was in fact, not there, but halfway up the hall. He didn't know how the boy moved that fast but it's not what he was worried about. What he was worried about was the fact that Draco was still crying and Harry wanted to fix that, even if it was just a simple gesture such as patting him on the shoulder. He told himself not to get involved with the blonde boy before setting off down the hall after him.

"Draco?" Either he didn't hear or he chose to ignore it, but Harry called out again. "Draco, just stop for a second." As if by command, Draco did stop, and Harry almost ran into him, but stopped himself just in time, hands coming out to steady himself.

He walked around Draco and looked at him. It was as if the boy in front of him was just a puppet, because in that moment, he had never seen anyone look so lifeless. His gray eyes were hollow and empty, terrifying almost.

"Harry, I would appreciate if you would stop following me. I would like to be alone." Even Draco's voice sounded lifeless and raspy. No doubt from crying. But Harry couldn't leave Draco. Not yet anyway. First, he had to find out why he was crying. Second, he was going to see if he could fix it.

"Yes, I understand that, Draco, but believe it or not, I'm concerned about you." He coolly addressed the blonde and was waiting for a stinging remark or to be shunned but he was only met with silence.

Looking away from the wall, Harry brought his eyes to Draco to find him already staring at him. Harry looked away, ignoring the feeling in his stomach. He couldn't get involved, but his heart said otherwise.

"I know you think of me as an asshole, and someone who doesn't care about anyone but himself, and that's true for the most part, except you. Because you have this way of making me feel different. And I know that what I'm saying is cheesy and cliche but it's true." Harry turned and walked towards the wall he was previously staring at, and sighed deeply.

"I told myself I wouldn't get involved because things could happen. I mean, you know who my parents are. And you know who they work for. But my problem is you. You're constantly in my head, taking over my thoughts and my sleep. I don't know any way around it. And I don't want to be an asshole to you anymore. I stopped hating you because I knew you weren't any different from me, and that you weren't the source of my problems."

As Harry was talking, Draco was processing information. He remained silent but thoughtful. There's nothing wrong with liking someone, but when it's someone like Harry, it's different.

And Draco could admit to liking Harry, but it was a difficult thing.

"I've gone from years of hating you, to months of thinking you're spectacularly okay. And you have every right to hate me, after all I've done to you. But I don't think you do, especially not after the other night. I want to be the kind of person that you like. I can change. And I wanna change, for you. But I need help... And I want you to know that I do care for you, and I want to take the time to know you. The real you." Harry turned to face Draco, breathing in slowly and thinking over what he just said. He really couldn't help himself.

And then there was silence. The seconds ticked by slowly, and Harry counted them, afraid of Draco's reaction. It could be anything between alright and terrifying, because if it was taking him this long to think of something to say, Harry could be in trouble.

Becoming more alarmed as each second passed, Harry glanced around, wary of his surroundings. Never in is life had he been more nervous and scared than he was now, not even when the Dark Lord called him in for his Dark Mark.

All the while, in this exceptionally long silence, Draco was thinking. Harry's words meant something to him. He cared about Draco and that meant the most to him. Because not many people had cared enough to get to know the real him. They only wanted money and fame off him. And Draco only hoped that Harry wasn't lying.

Trusting Harry would be a hard thing for Draco, even the thought of it made him nervous. But his words were encouraging, and if Harry wanted to take the time to get to know the real Draco, then he would grant him that wish. He only hoped that he wouldn't screw things up by granting Harry his wishes.

The worst thing in the world is to feel betrayed. And Draco knows that feeling. He only hopes that Harry doesn't do it to him, because he's making the decision to put his trust in him.

Realising that Harry was still waiting for an answer, he swam to the surface of his thoughts and looked at Harry, who had one arm crossed and gripping the other, looking nervous and awkward, but cute as hell. This was the only time that Draco had ever seen the Ice Prince look anything but graceful and cold.

Carefully and slowly, as not to startle Harry, Draco walked forward. "Harry?" Hearing his name, Harry looked up and was a mixture of emotions. The intensity of the moment raged around the two boys as Draco shuffled forward a bit more. Harry turned to Draco and gave him his full attention.

"Harry, I-" Draco's words were choked up by a series of rib racking sobs. Harry's heart strings tugged and he longed to pull the forlorn boy into his arms. And so he did. Being in Harry's arms made Draco feel calmer. Calm enough to finish his sentence. While he did, Harry breathed in the scent of Draco and inhaled deeply, passing it off as a deep sigh.

"M- my parents were murdered on this night fifteen years ago. And I- I didn't remember because my head was too clouded with thoughts of y- you..." While Harry was touched that Draco was thinking about him, he was saddened and horrified at the thought that the person who murdered Draco's parents was the person whom his own parents served.

And while it never really bothered him before, it bothered him now. He guessed it was due to taking a fancy to Draco, and what bothered the blonde bothered him.

And that same person that his parents served was also the same person whom he served. The Dark Lord. And the only way out of this allegiance was if The Lord himself was destroyed. And the only person who could destroy him was the boy in his arms.

Yes, to be set free, he would have to get Draco to destroy the Dark Lord.

Harry began thinking with his mind, because next year was when The Lord was planning his big uprise. The second great battle to come to the Wizarding World. And if Harry wanted to be free before then, he would have to use Draco.

Even if it means hurting both of them in the process. Harry grinned maniacally and rubbed Draco's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry to hear that."


Hello, yes, it is I. And I have returned. I'm sorry I haven't updated for a month and a bit but I've just finished school for the year and now I'm on summer break. Fuck yeah! Anyway, I think I have just created the most twisted plot in the history of Harry potter fan fiction ever. I would say the world but you know, there are more twisted stories out there then you could imagine but hey. This is fan fiction. Ok bye, expect regular updates.

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