Lose My Mind pt. 2

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"If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it, I could face it. But you're hurting me from inside of my head, I can't take it, I can't take it. I'm gonna lose my mind. I'm gonna lose my mind" ~Lose My Mind


Amber's POV:

Do you ever have that dream where you're dancing in a meadow full of colorful flowers? Like there's no stress or worries, and the sun is shining down on your face with no clouds in sight. It's just you and nature as one.

Then, all of a sudden, a dark cloud rolls in. Rain starts pouring down and you have nowhere to shelter you from it. The meadow gets flooded and you slip and fall, but can't get up. Luckily, at that moment, you wake up.

That's how I felt before I saw my ex right now. I was having a great time with Jay, and just as we were about to kiss, Jason spills his beer on him by accident.

Unfortunately, this is real life and I can't wake up from this nightmare.


His name felt so foreign on my lips. It had been almost three months since I saw him. Three months since he left me.

"You two know each other", Jay questioned, breaking the mini stare off between me and the sorry excuse of a man.

"Yeah, we...uh, used to date", Jason answered hesitantly.

Cue awkward silence.

"Do you mind giving us a moment", he asked.

I looked at Jay, silently telling him to go with my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to the men's room and take care of my shirt." He quickly pecked my cheek before stalking off.

When he was out of sight, I sat down.

"What do you want, Jason", I asked rather curtly.

"Look, I wasn't planning on seeing you here. I was actually gonna call you yesterday, but something came up", he started off, sitting down as well. "I wanted to talk to you about...your current situation."

"You mean me being pregnant with your child?" I crossed my arms.

"Yeah, that", he cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"What about it?"

"I want you to get an abortion. Now, I know what you're gonna say, but lemme talk first", he held his hand up just as I opened my mouth to object. "The reason I want you to do that is because I don't have any money to pay for child support. Work has been slow, and my...side job doesn't provide me with enough money. I can barely afford rent. You being pregnant puts stress on me and-"

I cut him off right there. "Wait, me being pregnant puts stress on you? I'm the one who has to carry this baby for nine months. I just lost my job and barely started a new one. I haven't even gotten paid yet! And you're talking about me getting an abortion?! Hell to the no! I'm going to be the one to provide for this child. I don't expect anything from you at all. You can take your nonexistent money and shove it up your ass."

"What about that guy, huh? Does he know you're pregnant", Jason pointed in the direction Jay walked off in.

I stayed silent, giving him the answer he was looking for.

"You see? Even more reason to get an abortion! I'm pretty sure he's gonna leave you once he finds out the truth."

"You know what? I'm through with this conversation and I'm through with your sorry ass", and with that, I grabbed my purse and walked away from the table.

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