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"We're here."
The driver told them.

"No we're not. Where are we?"
Laura raised her eyebrows to the driver.

"This is where the Xcape is. Can you pay up? "
Driver meanly responds.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you mad?"
Ruby lucidly raised her voice on the man.

"Sir, this is not the place I instructed you. Please drive us to the city." Janice tried to talk him out.

"Madam I have clients waiting for me. Can you pay up. You can call another can to take you to whatever the TF you want to go. " He snapped back.

"Call a cab in the middle of nowhere? Are you crazy?"
Janice angrily asks.

"Guys this is pointless. Here's your money."
Laura throws to him the cash.

They alighted from the car. Into the cold of bushes.
They watched as the car left them.

"OMG, this is the worst day ever."
Ruby rubs her arms in search for heat.

"Am sorry. Let's try call Keith."
Janice suggests. They all removed their phones out but there's was no network.

"Wow! No network."
Laura tried to raise her phone around in search of network.

"This is pointless. Let's walk maybe we'll find a house nearby."
Janice suggests as she lights on her phone torch.

"Oh my goodness, what the fuck was wrong with that guy? We should have called the police."
Ruby hit a mosquito on her leg.

"With no network. We're probably going to be robbed or kidnapped. Fuck or else killed." Laura lost her grip.

"Let's be positive. I see a house figure there."
Janice comforts them.

"This sounds so off. There are no lights in this place." Ruby looks around the warehouse.

Janice tried to open the door which was rolled by chains.
"Can you guys help out?"

Laura and Ruby aid in removing the chains. Once the chains were out, Ruby opened the door. Immediately the lights were on.

"Surprise Ruby."

People screamed cheerfully.The plan was they take Ruby to an abandoned warehouse by 7pm, take the roughest  longer road so as to make Ruby think her night was ruined, flow an act with the driver for her to get the best surprise ever. Of course the rest went through the nearest road that's was smooth.

"Oh my God."
Ruby caught her breath as a tear dropped on her cheek. Keith ran and hugged her whispering, "I believe you've had the best surprise any man has ever given to you. Except me of course. Happy birthday love."

"We're so not sorry for the bumpy ride and freak outs. The driver did send his birthday wishes for you by cutting us a discount on the fare. "
Janice explained as Ruby looked up in watery eyes.

"I hate you guys. You're the best girlfriends ever." Ruby sobs out.

"We love you too Ruby. Smile for the picture."
Laura snapped a picture and left giggling.

All was as per the plan. The turn out was more than expected but they had also budgeted for extra.
Janice grabbed a drink by the counter and sat by the couch chilling.

The DJ who happended to be one of Clays buddies did a great job at the deck. It costed to rent out the warehouse and organize some drinks but they decided to keep a bar if anyone wanted to buy drink of their choice than the one provided.

"Can I join you?"
Someone asked behind her. She turned, saw him and froze.

That was all she could utter out.

"I'll take that as a yes. I knew the warehouse would be great idea."
He drank a nervous sip from his beer. He didn't know how to start the topic.

"You were the one behind the idea?"
The astonished look on her face was all over to his dismay.

"Yes. Your friend Keith invited me to the organizing committee."
He wore a genuine smile.

"but I didn't see you in any organization."

"A silent participant. So can you dance, I mean can I ask you for a dance?"
He felt a drip of sweat dropped on his chest.

She giggled knowing he looked nervous than he usually is.
"Well why not handsome."

She called me handsome. So she does like me. Or is it just one of her teases?

He rose up and stretched his hand to help her up. She obliged.
The song was blues but with hype so they danced off. The song was switched to slow dance songs so he wasn't sure if she was up to it.

She drew herself closer, kept her left arm on his shoulder and right hand up so he joined their palms.

"Ruby must be a very important person to you guys."
He broke the silence. Debating if it's the right time to tell her.

"She sure is. You have a nice outfit today."
She opened up.

He breathed in her vanilla scent from her wavy curled hair.
"You mean I usually wear weirdly?"

She let out a giggle. "I mean you've matched the occasional. So did you come to see me or you're with your girlfriend?"

She wasn't planning to ask him on the girlfriend topic but the slip of the tongue. He stayed silent for some seconds.

I must have scared him. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Janice cursed in her mind. He stopped the dancing and looked her straight in the eye.
"I've never dated after the encounter I told you before."

"Am sorry, I shouldn't have brought the.."

He cut her shot. "Let me finish. I need to tell you something. I am Master. Your friend from Facebook."

He glanced at her looking for any clue on what she was thinking on but there's was no facial expression. She then smiled.
"Oh my God. That explains everything."

Confused he looked at her puzzled waiting for her to elaborate on her statement.

"You've been stalking me all that time. Damn you really are something else."
She laughed as she bent over to pick her glass of her drink, took a  sip and kept the glass back.

"Shall we dance to some truth."
She neared him waving her hips joyously.

Without even thinking he cupped her cheek and planted a deep kiss.


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