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It's a chilly Monday morning and from the usual, Janice hurries up through the hallway so as to get to the lecture hall.
That is if she will make it in time which is absolutely absurd.
Punctuality has never been her emo.

The only available seats are at the front and since she can't afford to have less percentage on her lecture attendance, she courageously made her way to the empty seat.
Attention seeking has never been an issue.

The lecturer shot her a quick oh-great-late-AGAIN look and proceeded.
All she just did is roll her eyes and settled on the seat.

Great! Another boring two hours seated.
She thought to herself.

After like quarter an hour of trying to be serious for once, it was too much force she could put on herself. She got bored stiff in focusing on the lecture so she let her eyes maneuver around the hall in search for a distraction.
From the convincing sense she gets from seeing most people are either on their phones or sleeping, she got motivated she ain't the only one not in the psych of capturing any 'book knowledge'.

On her right, a very viable diversion victim.
Awesome. Now am seated next to him.
A devilish smile forms on her lips as she firmly stared at him.

Neal Warren.
The most nerdy and silent guys she has met so far in her now three and a half years in campus.
Perfect people to literally nag around when the lecture is as boring like this one.

Master plan.
Strategically she slowly dragged her pen with her fingers to the edge of her arm side chair and it fell below his seat.

He wanted, deeply wanted to just ignore that just happened knowingly she is just trouble and she did it intentionally but he couldn't.
Call it manners.

He picked it and placed it on top of her book. Then immediately switched his attention back to the lecturer.
The basic logarithms are complex and he needs full focus on the illustration Mr Clark is working out on the white board.

"Pssst! Pssst! Pssst!"
She hisses at his side still staring at him.

What the heck is wrong with this lady!
He thought to himself since he was already distracted. Thanks to her cunning area of expertise.

Irritated, he turns to face her with his eye brows raised in anger.
She innocently smiled at his reaction acknowledging deeply she is winning him over the lecture.

Knowing well enough that she is enjoying every bit of it, he tried his level best to ignore her which wasn't easy especially the fact that he has a flexible left eye and an attentive left full ears that were to her side's exposure.

Severally he adjusted his glasses trying to firmly follow up the work out done at the board meters away from him.

She loudly exclaimed when she watched Mr Clark walk out of the hall.

As if she's being chased, she hurriedly placed her books into her bag and fastened out of the hall.

All Neal did is to shake his head in disbelief of how she really was looking forward to get out of this hall.

Great. Now i didn't get full concept of that illustration. I'll have to study on it later today and see if i can join the pieces.
He thought to himself as he slowly picks his books and headed out.

He passed by at the cafeteria, took a take away lunch and headed back to his house.


"Guys imagine who i sat next to at the class." Janice squeals cheerfully knowing they would never believe it.

"That is definitely Elroy."
Ruby responds presuming that Janice has always had something for that famous basketball player; scum bag.

"Jayden. Are you guys getting back together?"
Laura asks fingers-crossed hoping they aren't. That guy destroyed Janice terribly and he surely a hundred percent doesn't deserve a second chance.

"Tf! Didn't figure out you guys are so dumb at guesses. Its Neal."
She points out. From the unsure raised eye brows faces her friends are wearing, obviously statement isn't well driven at home. They don't recognise any Neal.

"The nerd. With baby hair."
She rolls her eyes in disbelief of who can't recognise that loner.

"Ooh. Thank goodness."
Laura exclaimed as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Poor guy. Am sure he didn't capture anything at the lecture."
Ruby utters back while still going through her instagram page.

Well these are the three 'musketeers'.
The friends that got united on educational basis at campus and now the freestyle lifestyle accommodated here has strengthened their bond more that one can mistake them of being biological sisters.

Janice; a bad bitch. Stubborn as hell. Loves to socialise and fit in. Adores to hang out with friends. Was heartbroken by Jayden whom are in the same year of study. Ain't into relationships or the love shits anymore.

Ruby; the fashionista. Always at the peak of trendy wears and gossips in the school all by the help of her phone. Always on her phone. Loves bad boys vibes that led her to date Keith. Loves her girlfriends more than words can describe.

Laura; the 'good' one in the crew. Smart in books. The phenomenal one on the outside but a party animal on the inside. Enjoys her single and happy life.

Don't mistake them now of being the famous people at the campus. No.
They are just the normal besties. You mess up with one, you mess up with the three.
That's the tie link they share.

"I have to drop by the library and pick a book. Need to work on an assignment i have to submit tomorrow."
Janice utters to both Ruby and Laura.

"Please go on. We need A+ here honey."
Ruby wore a self-satisfied smirk on her face.

"Whatever. Catch up with you guys later."
Janice pays her byes and headed to her to the library.

They stay at separate houses. The hostels that the campus offer are not so pleasant to stay in so they decided to go for the rentals nearby the campus premises.

That is to switch every weekend to have a sleepover at one's house.
They prefer it that way so that one can get the limited privacy which much favours Ruby since she has a guy.
That relationships' logic.

All is well in Drayton University.
Where dreams are valid.

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Welcome to this book's train ride. Thank you for choosing my book.

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*big sunny warm hug* for the support.


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