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I'll meet you there. Have to pick Elaine.

Neal just broadly smiled when he read the message.
Lover boy, huh?
Who would have thought?
He chuckles knowing clear enough as much as Tyler denies it he is past liking her and is at the loving her stage.

He grabs his coat and phone that was fully charged ready to capture moments to remember. He opted to just take a walk to the hall that since it wasn't far off.

Hearing the music from a far motivated him to fasten his walking pace hoping his all time artist hasn't opened the show yet.

As expected the place was streaming with lots of people but its the biggest hall at the campus so it can accommodate more than five hundred people.
Satisfied of the party heat that was very welcoming, he walked to the dancefloor.

After dancing easing his inner soul, he maneuvered his eyes around and spotted where the bartender was located. He sat at the stool and requested for a tort of tequila.

He gulped it down like he was craving for it.
"Hey charming."

He looked to the side of the  brunette with blonde hair who was standing beside him.

He hoarsely responded.

"Come let's dance."
She took his hand and lead him to back to dance floor and he obliged and followed.

She started moving her hips around and Neal was just standing unsure how to handle the situation he is in.
She picked his hands and placed them on her waist.

For the moment everything felt fuzzy and slow but he managed to control his emotions. He let loose and flowed with her moves. Everything seemed alive for a while not until the DJ spoke on the mic.

"Welcome the legendary; Joston Black."

The crowd went wild and the lady ran off towards near the platform.
He let out a relief thankfully there was a distraction to his favour before he could have  been blown his brains out by her seducing moves and awaken his Mr. He made his way near the VIP sector. Close enough to the platform so that he can snap a picture of him.

He tried to move past the wild people jumping but he didn't manage to reach the VIP. The pathway was way too congested so instead of risking it and probably get injured or robbed, he made his way back to the bartender that wasn't dense.

He ordered another tort and faced looking at Joston at the stage. He smiled as he sang his favourite song from his album:  Harness.

He hummed the lyrics enjoying the moment. A commotion at the furthest side from where he sat distracted his focus.

"Get the fuck off me stupid assholes. Get off."

She was so drunk that the security wanted her out. She was facing her behind so he didn't capture her face.  

She started throwing her legs off the air trying to let herself free from their grips and punched one of the bouncers at his face.

"Damn! She's a badass. Awesome."
He mumbled to himself smirking.

In the process of fighting, she was facing his side.

She let herself loose thanks to her petite body. She ran to Neal's side and stopped in front of him. He just glared at her unsure of what she is up to.
She looks him in the eye and smiled.

Immediately she fell on him unconscious and since he was very cautious, he managed to hold her steady. The bouncers just stared at him with warning eyes and disappeared into the crowd.

Fuck! Now they think am her boyfriend. Yikes!

"Quit the drama woman, they're gone."
He states as he shaking her to get off him.

"Wait, did you hear that?"
She spoke in a drunken tone.


"She said... Yeah! Yeah!"
She started to shout.

"Fuck! Stop shouting."
Irritated, he tried to manage to keep her calm but it was useless since she was now starting to make a scene.

He looked around to try at least spot someone who hangs out with her, ops! He doesn't know her world besties.

He grabs his coat and help her out of the hall grumbling to himself of how this whole 'taking responsibility' is a disaster.

I swear if its all on your playing tricks on me am going to fucking zip that mouth of yours like a voodoo doll. You'll be forever speechless bitch.
His mind evily thought out loud.

He called a taxi and as they were waiting for it outside, he kept getting stares around by the passerbys.
Involuntarily he wore an angry face.

"Whoa! Calm down boy or you gonna blow up."
A lady walked passed him spoke.

That little statement was just an invitation to his livid climax. The curb arrived and now the other problem piled up. She was too moving and stubborn to get inside that the driver had to help him.

"Rough night, huh?"
The driver patted his back before heading back to his seat.

He silently mumbled to himself.

"So where to?"
The driver asked through the window.

That three words question hit him real hard.
Another fucking problem that i didn't ask for.
He screamed from the inside.

"Hey, where do you live? Which flat?"
He softly asks Janice hopefully to keep his raging demons in check.

"Cheese burger. Strawberry."
Janice spoke and let out a burp.

"Wow! She really is so tanked up."
The driver commented in a pity tone.

I remember her flats were a block away probably few blocks from mine. It was too dark so i didn't manage to see which was which. Think! Think Neal.

Ooh! Obviously she can't lack friends. She must have her phone. He checked her pockets and found it. Yes!
He tried to open it but it was screen locked with a password.

"Your password is?" He shakes her severally but she was just silent giggling.

"Password bitch. Password."
Neal screamed at her pointless.

"Sir, i think that is useless."
The driver uttered.

Neal debated whether to leave her outside or take her to his place.
First i already called the taxi and there's no way am going home early in the middle of the concert night. On the contrally, can't tell the driver that am not boarding since he's a nice guy doing his work.

Theres no fucking way am taking her to my place. After all the nagging and distrubing character on me she surely doesnt deserve an ounce of mercy. I can't then be the bad guy and leave her out here get back inside yet the security spotted me with her.

With only one valid option to do, he hesitated groaning before getting into the car.
"Drive to my place. Boston block."



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